What movies did Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon make together?

What movies did Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon make together?

He co-starred with Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe in Billy Wilder’s Some Like It Hot (1959). It was a huge success and became a classic; equally popular was Operation Petticoat (1959), a military comedy which Curtis made for Edwards alongside Cary Grant.

What is the last line of Some Like It Hot?

Well, nobody’s perfect.
Joe protests that there are “laws, conventions” that have to be observed. But when Jerry finally admits to his fiancé that he is a man, Osgood responds with the film’s exemplary last line, “Well, nobody’s perfect.”

Who says nobody’s perfect?

In a risque line for 1959, Billy Wilder ended his comedy Some Like It Hot with a joke from the millionaire Osgood Fielding III (Joe E Brown) about getting married, as he is steering a boat away from the pier in Miami.

What is the theme of Some Like It Hot?

Some Like It Hot is so entrenched in its theme, the theme of reversal, that the movie itself keeps changing its costume, beginning—or so it seems—as a gangster picture before changing into a musical, then a comedy, then a romance.

What did Tony Curtis star in?

In the late 1950s and 1960s, Curtis starred in films like Houdini, Operation Petticoat, Some Like It Hot, The Defiant Ones and Spartacus. He later appeared in a variety of low-profile films and on various television shows.

But when Jerry finally admits to his fiancé that he is a man, Osgood responds with the film’s exemplary last line, “Well, nobody’s perfect.”

What kind of movies did Jack Lemmon star in?

Lemmon starred in six films directed by Quine. The others were My Sister Eileen (1955), The Notorious Landlady (1962) and How to Murder Your Wife (1965). Lemmon worked with Billy Wilder on seven films. Their association began with the director’s Some Like It Hot (1959), with Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe.

What kind of movies did Tony Curtis star in?

The Oscar-nominated performer starred in dozens of movies throughout his career, becoming famous as the charismatic leading man of romantic comedies, action films, and prestige dramas. But how many of his titles remain classics? In honor of his birthday, let’s take a look back at 15 of his greatest films, ranked worst to best.

Who was the actor with Jack Lemmon in Mister Roberts?

Lemmon’s appearance as Ensign Pulver in Mister Roberts (1955), with James Cagney and Henry Fonda, for Warner Bros., gained Lemmon the Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Director John Ford decided to cast Lemmon after seeing his Columbia screen test, which had been directed by Richard Quine.

What did Billy Wilder and Jack Lemmon do together?

Billy Wilder and Jack Lemmon made numerous films together, including The Apartment and several films with Walter Matthau . According to York Film Notes, Billy Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond didn’t expect a star as big as Marilyn Monroe to take the part of Sugar. ” Mitzi Gaynor was who we had in mind]