What kinds of lessons did Miss Emily Give while she was in her forties?

What kinds of lessons did Miss Emily Give while she was in her forties?

“From that time on her front door remained closed, save for a period of six orseven years, when she was about forty, during which she gave lessons in china painting.” So, at age 40, for about 6 or 7 years, she gave lessons on painting china.

What is the lesson learned in A Rose for Emily?

One moral, or ethical message, of this story is that we don’t see the world properly when we view it through rose colored glasses. This town was able to ignore Emily’s oddities because they viewed her through rose colored glasses. When Emily’s father died there were signs that she was going crazy.

What do you learn about Miss Emily from the description of the house?

Miss Emily’s home is described as a big, square framed house that had once been white but is now a decaying eyesore. The massive home is located on what was once Jefferson’s most select street and is decorated with cupolas, spires, and scrolled balconies, which are outdated and old-fashioned.

What crime did Emily commit in A Rose for Emily?

Emily did commit homicide.

One moral, or ethical message, of this story is the risk we take in wearing rose colored glasses because we can’t properly see the world when wearing them. Another moral of this story is that we need to find the balance between the morals of the old generation and the modern ideas of the new generation.

What is the meaning of A Rose for Emily?

The rose represents the idea of love since young lovers often give each other roses to express their affections. With so many suitors in her youth, it seems inevitable that Emily will accept a rose from one of them, but she never does. When she meets Homer, it seems like she may finally have true love.

What are the lessons of a rose for Emily?

The other educators raise very good points about the possible lessons of Faulkner’s story ” A Rose for Emily .” Emily Grierson is the last member of a once-eminent local family.

Who was the narrator in a rose for Emily?

According to the narrator in one of the important quotes from “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner the townspeople “did not say she was crazy” at first (Faulkner 2162), and of course, she was never evaluated, diagnosed, or treated by a mental health professional.

Why did Miss Emily decompensate in a rose?

It is reasonable to propose that Miss Emily developed this mental illness as a response to the demanding conditions in which she was living as a Southern woman from an aristocratic family. Miss Emily decompensated because she was unable to develop healthy and adaptive coping and defense mechanisms.

How did Miss Emily react to the death of her father?

Immediately after the death of her father, the ladies of the town come to Miss Emily’s home to offer their condolences, and they observe that she had “no trace of grief on her face” (Faulkner 2162).