What is Webtrends used for?

What is Webtrends used for?

Webtrends Analytics is an excellent tool for businesses looking to measure their Microsoft Sharepoint usage and performance. Users can collect insights such as newsfeed post frequency and data from likes, shares, and replies. User data can also be collected based on how users interact with lists and list components.

What are the capabilities of Webtrends?

Overview of Webtrends Features

  • A/B and multivariate testing.
  • Simple Segmentation.
  • Efficient Security.
  • Predictive behavioral targeting.
  • Visitor profiles.
  • Third Party enrichment.
  • Mobile App, website personalization.
  • Unlimited data custom metrics.

Who owns Webtrends?

Francisco Partners
Webtrends, founded in 1993, is owned by a California private equity firm called Francisco Partners. Once among Portland’s largest tech companies, former Webtrends employees have gone on to key roles at many of the city’s younger technology businesses.

What is webtrends?

Webtrends is a private company headquartered in Portland, Oregon, United States. It provides digital analytics, optimization and software related to digital marketing and e-commerce. It provides services to approximately 2,000 companies.

What is the difference between Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics?

What is the difference between Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics? The most important difference between Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics is that Adobe Analytics is an actual web analytics solution, while Google Analytics is only suitable for web reporting.

What is the best web analytics software?

Here are the top nine web analytics tools used by over 2000 professionals, in order of popularity:

  • Google Analytics.
  • Adobe Analytics.
  • Mixpanel.
  • Matomo.
  • StatCounter.
  • Yandex Metrica.
  • Amplitude.
  • Baidu Analytics.

Why is Adobe Analytics better than Google Analytics?

Why use Adobe Analytics instead of Google Analytics?

Adobe Analytics can track hundreds of goals simultaneously, and Google Analytics can only track four goals. But the advanced premium and paid version Google Analytics 360 removes this difference. Google Analytics 360 provides unlimited data, access to raw data, sampled reporting and full time customer support.

What can you do with Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint?

With Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint, you can ensure whether or not your workforce is consuming and engaging your content and messages. Run reports on consumption by content, user, location, department, tagged areas of emails and newsletters.

Which is better Google Analytics or Webtrends?

Google Analytics doesn’t offer its users many search insights. On the other hand, Webtrends allows you to search for popular keywords and queries by users. You will be able to cater to their needs in a much better way if you can analyze what patterns they are making.

How can Webtrends help you reduce support calls?

With Webtrends, you can run reports on search experience to determine which search terms are being entered and whether results were returned, or no results found. If your users consistently get relevant results when search your repository, then the solution should be providing value and decreasing your support calls.