What is podcast short for?

What is podcast short for?

“Podcast” is a portmanteau, a combination of “iPod” and “broadcast”.

Why is it called podcast?

A podcast is a digital broadcast made available on the Internet. The word “podcast” is derived from “pod” as in Apple’s iPod, the popular portable audio player, and “cast” from “broadcast”, meaning “to transmit for general or public use.”

What exactly is a podcast?

The dictionary definition of a podcast is: A digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. The term Podcast is actually a portmanteau of iPod and Broadcast.

Who came up with the term podcast?

journalist Ben Hammersly
The term “podcasting” was coined in 2004 by journalist Ben Hammersly in a newspaper article for The Guardian. He was writing about the potential for a boom in amateur radio, arguing that the ingredients were all there: blogging – popular, production software – cheap, and MP3 players – all the rage.

What is a podcast on Youtube?

What is a Youtube Podcast? A Youtube Podcast is a Video Podcast distributed on Youtube’s platform. Is it that simple? Yes and No. A Youtube Podcast can be either a podcast showcasing an Audio visualizer or it can be an audiovisual recording.

What is a podcast simple explanation for kids?

Podcasting is a way to share information as digital audio files. People often subscribe, download, and share podcasts using a computer and listen to them on an MP3 player. Many podcasts are similar to broadcast radio news or discussion programs.

What is an example of a podcast?

The definition of a podcast is a multi-media digital file distributed over the Internet to be watched and listened to on a computer, iPod or other device. A radio program distributed exclusively over the Internet and listened to on people’s iPods is an example of a podcast.

What is the difference between YouTube and a podcast?

Podcasts are theme-specific, so they are strictly up to the point. On the contrary, YouTube is filled with all kinds of videos and the one thing that makes YouTube so damn popular is the kind of stuff you can do on the website. So, it’s worth doing a YouTube channel if you’re looking for quick results.

Why would you use a podcast?

Because podcasts are delivered digitally, they eliminate many costs associated with other forms of communication including postage, printing, and paper. They can also reduce meeting costs and e-mail storage costs. They are easy to archive and updating them is quick and easy.