What is comfrey India?

What is comfrey India?

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)is a wildflower and has been used medicinally for thousands of years; applied to the surface of the skin, it helps scar tissue to heal and eases varicose veins, muscle strain, sprains and bruises.

What is the folk name of comfrey?

Folk medicine names for comfrey include knitbone, boneset, and the derivation of its Latin name Symphytum (from the Greek symphis, meaning growing together of bones, and phyton, a plant), referring to its ancient uses.

What is another name for comfrey?

Comfrey is available under the following different brand names: Black Root, Blackwort, Bruisewort, Common Comfrey, Gum Plant, Healing herb, Knitbone, Prickley Comfrey, Salsify, Slippery Root, Symphytum officinale, and Wallwort.

What is comfrey leaf used for?

Comfrey is used as a tea for upset stomach, ulcers, heavy menstrual periods, diarrhea, bloody urine, persistent cough, painful breathing (pleuritis), bronchitis, cancer, and chest pain (angina). It is also used as a gargle for gum disease and sore throat.

What are comfrey leaves?

Comfrey is a shrub that grows in parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. It can grow up to 5 feet tall. It produces clusters of purple, blue, and white flowers, and it’s famous for its long, slender leaves and black-skinned roots.

How do you harvest comfrey?

Harvesting the plant is very simple and easy to do. You will need to start by cutting the leaves back to about 2 inches above the soil. You can also take individual leaves as they get to about the size of your hand. After the first cut, you can count on another cutting every 6 weeks until early autumn.

How do you harvest comfrey leaves?

  1. Harvest comfrey leaves from the base of established plants.
  2. Remove flowers and tough stems, then chop up the leaves and pack them tightly into a water-tight container.
  3. Check on the progress every few weeks.

How do I use comfrey leaves?

The most common medicinal use of comfrey are in poultices to help heal swellings, inflammations and sores. To make such a dressing, let the leaves mush up in hot water, squeeze out the excess liquid and wrap several handfuls of the hot, softened foliage in a clean cloth.

Can I eat comfrey leaves?

Historically, some people have eaten comfrey leaves as a vegetable. You can also drink dried comfrey root and leaves as tea. Today, eating or taking any form of comfrey by mouth isn’t recommended. It’s considered unsafe, due to the pyrrolizidine alkaloids that comfrey contains.

Can you eat comfrey leaves?

How do you make comfrey leaves?

Comfrey leaves should be harvested right before the flower blooms and be used dried or fresh. Steep fresh chopped leaves in water that has been brought to a boil for 20-30 minutes. Strain with a kitchen strainer. I prefer to use a French Press for my herbal teas or tisanes.

What is comfrey leaf?