What is CMYK print?

What is CMYK print?

The CMYK acronym stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key: those are the colours used in the printing process. A printing press uses dots of ink to make up the image from these four colours. It’s called Key because it’s the main colour used to determine the image outcome.

What is the Pantone color of the year?

In December, Pantone revealed the 2021 Color of the Year, surprising many with two colors sharing the spotlight – Ultimate Gray (Pantone 17-5104) and Illuminating (Pantone 13-0647).

What is the Pantone color scale?

The Pantone color numbers consist of a three- or four-digit number followed by the letter C, U or M, which stands for “coated,” “uncoated” and “matte,” respectively. The color palette in the PMS consists of about 1,114 colors.

What is a Pantone number?

The customer service number of Pantone is 8667268663

What is Pantone C?

Pantone colors often contain a color number or name followed by a “C” or “U”. The “C” or “U” at the end of Pantone color numbers indicate whether a coated or uncoated paper stock is used for the printing process. While the C and U versions contain the same number, they should be treated as different colors as they often look very different.