What happens in chapter 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

What happens in chapter 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

By Harper Lee Jean Louise catches Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard and beats him up for being the reason she got in trouble, but Jem stops her. She explains to Jem (who calls her Scout, so we will too) what happened. Jem invites Walter to come home for lunch with Scout and him.

What does Scout learn in chapter 3?

In chapter 3 Atticus tells Scout, “if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view–until you climb in his skin and walk around in it.”

What is the theme of chapter 3 To Kill a Mockingbird?

Again, in chapter three, we see the theme of how people in Maycomb are educated. We learn how Maycomb society works. After Scout fights with Walter, Jem makes peace by inviting Walter home to eat lunch. When Scout ridicules the way Walter eats his lunch, Calpurnia teaches Scout to respect people and their differences.

What do we learn about the Cunningham family?

The Cunninghams are poor farmers but good people, and they are proud. Scout gets in trouble with her teacher Miss Caroline when she tries to explain that Walter Cunningham does not have a lunch and cannot borrow a quarter from her to buy one. A Cunningham is not going to borrow something he can’t pay back.

What did hilly make Celia do?

Minny confesses to Celia that after Hilly spread rumors she was a thief, she told Hilly to “eat [her] s***” (26.82). Then, she went home and made a chocolate pie and took it to her. Miss Walters asked for a piece, but Minny said the pie was just for Hilly because it had a special ingredient.

What is the theme of Chapter 3 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

What are the main events of chapter 2 and 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

September arrives, and Dill leaves Maycomb to return to the town of Meridian. Scout, meanwhile, prepares to go to school for the first time, an event that she has been eagerly anticipating. Once she is finally at school, however, she finds that her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, deals poorly with children.

What were scouts 3 Mistakes?

Scout makes three mistakes:

  • Scout knows how to read, and she reads well. Miss Caroline had expected a class full of hungry, unlearned young minds.
  • Scout starts writing a letter to Dill in cursive. Miss Caroline notices and stops her.
  • Walter Cunningham, Jr.

What do we learn about Walter Cunningham and his family in chapter 3?

Scout learns about poverty and about her own privilege when Walter Cunningham visits her house for dinner. Walter didn’t bring a lunch to school, and when he is eating at Scout’s house, he asks Calpurnia for molasses. Walter’s visit in Chapter 3 provides Scout insight into the lives of lower-class farming families.