What does the characters Mrs Johnson most likely symbolize in the play?

What does the characters Mrs Johnson most likely symbolize in the play?

Johnson most likely symbolize in the play? *C. The correct answer is: Resistance to change.

What does Mama’s plant most likely symbolize in a raisin in the sun?

Mama’s plant represents both Mama’s care and her dream for her family. Her care for her plant is similar to her care for her children, unconditional and unending despite a less-than-perfect environment for growth. The plant also symbolizes her dream to own a house and, more specifically, to have a garden and a yard.

What does Mama’s plant most likely symbolize apex?

In the play “A Raisin in the Sun”, Mama’s plant represents the idea of nurturing. She has been nurturing the dream of owning a house (to which she comes close when they receive the insurance money). The plant also represents her efforts at nurturing her family after her husband passed away.

What does Mama’s plant most likely symbolize answers com?

Explanation: Refers to the survival of her children in difficult circumstances because she loves her even though she is withered, like her family and does everything she can for her without giving up.

What does Mrs Johnson represent?

Essentially, Mrs. Johnson represents the feelings of resentment that some blacks felt when others started to climb the socio-economic ladder.

How does Mrs Johnson feel about the Youngers moving to a white neighborhood?

She is jealous of the aspirations of the Younger family and displays a certain sense of resentment towards them. She raises the fears of the Youngers in telling them about the hate crimes that have been committed in Clybourne Park, the neighborhood to which the Youngers are moving.

What do references to sunlight most likely symbolize?

B. Hope and life is the correct answer.

What does the cake most likely symbolize apex?

Answer Expert Verified The cake is symbolic of Miss Havisham’s wasted life. It could also be symbolic of death and devastation.

What does the new house signify for the Youngers?

What does the new house signify to each of the Youngers? It signifies new life and more freedom, but it is sad for them to leave their old house.

Who does Mrs Johnson insult?

She hints about wanting coffee and even makes light of the idea of the Youngers getting bombed once they move to Clybourne Park. She also deliberately insults Beneatha and insists that Walter’sjob as a chauffeur follows Booker T.

What is Mrs Johnson trying to imply to Mama?

Johnson is implying that, if the Youngers find trouble in their neighborhood, then they’re only getting what they deserve. Essentially, Mrs. Johnson represents the feelings of resentment that some blacks felt when others started to climb the socio-economic ladder.

What does the rat symbolize in a raisin in the sun?

Additionally, the rat is “trapped.” This is symbolic of how the social and material conditions configure the lives of many children of color. Travis is chasing the rat with his friends, which is symbolic of the myriad of forces that are “chasing” and seeking to “trap” children of color in America.

What does the new house symbolize to Walter?

Expert Answers Initially, the new house in Clybourne Park represents an obstacle that impedes both Walter Jr. and Beneatha’s dreams. Walter Jr. wishes to use the money from Lena’s insurance check to invest in his liquor business and opposes her plans to buy the home in Clybourne Park.

Why is Walter so upset about his eggs?

He has been trying to tell Ruth about his dream of their future. She tells him to eat his eggs with no regards to what he has been telling her. He wants to dream of a better life, and she just wants to worry about the present moment. He is upset and frustrated because she will not listen and support him.

What does beneatha hair most likely symbolize?

Beneatha’s new hair is a symbol of her anti-assimilationist beliefs as well as her desire to shape her identity by looking back to her roots in Africa.