What does Ruth tell Beneatha that her and Walter did?

What does Ruth tell Beneatha that her and Walter did?

At the beginning of Act II, Scene 3, what does Ruth tell Beneatha she and Walter did for the first time in a long time? The correct answer is: Held hands.

What does Ruth tell Beneatha she and Walter did for the first time in a long time?

Ruth tells Beneatha, that she and walter had gone on a date to the movies.

How do you know that Ruth and Walter have been getting along better for the past day or two what do you think accounts for that improvement in their relationship?

Ruth tells Beneath about her and Walter and how they are clearly happier together. They went to the movies together and held hands. They are probably getting better because now that Walter has the money, he has more hope and has not given up on his dream, so now he is in a better mood.

What does Ruth say is the first thing she will do in the new house?

What does Ruth tell Beneatha is the first thing she is going to do when she gets to the new house? Why is this important to her? Ruth tells Beneatha she is going to take a long bath. This is important to her because she has never owned her own bath.

What does Ruth say to Mama to show she is trying to support Walter?

Ruth suggests that Mama might help Walter by giving him some of the money for his dream of buying the liquor store. How does Ruth say Mama should spend the money?

What did Mama possibly feel and realize when Ruth told her yes she says everything is going to be fine?

What did Mama possibly feel and realize when Ruth told her, “Yes – she says everything is going to be fine?” A. She is happy because Ruth is fine.

What has he been doing instead of going to work?

What has Walter been doing instead of going to work? His boss calls- he has been driving around the city.

What do Ruth and Walter do immediately after George and Beneatha leave?

George and Beneatha finally leave, and Ruth and Walter then begin to fight about Walter going out, spending money, and interacting with people like Willy Harris. They do begin to make up, though, by acknowledging that a great distance has grown between them.

How does Ruth react to learning she gets to move?

How does Ruth react to learning she gets to move? What do we learn about Ruth in that moment? Ruth is ecstatic. She is clearly miserable in the house, but has become outwardly apathetic, reduced to accepting her circumstances.

What is Mama’s greatest dream for her family illustrate it in the box state her reasons behind it?

Mama’s greatest dream for her family is to have a good life. She wants her children to have a successful life, with privileges like of a white American. The reason is because they are struggling with money. They are black African Americans and because of that they have limited opportunities.

How did Ruth find out Walter hadn’t been going to work where was he going instead of going to work?

How did Ruth find out Walter had not been going to work? Walters boss called and told Ruth that Walter hasn’t been going to work for three days and that he would get fired if he didn’t come to work the next day.

What sort of woman does George actually want Beneatha to be?

George is an unimaginative, conventional man, and he would like Beneatha to be that way as well. He wants her to be “nice,” “simple,” “sophisticated,” to talk less, and to be unconcerned with thoughts.