What could the spirit do with his torch in a Christmas carol?

What could the spirit do with his torch in a Christmas carol?

Scrooge soon learns what the torch carried by the spirit is used for: the ghost sprinkles incense on the dinners of the poor to bless the food. When people argue, Scrooge notices, the Ghost of Christmas Present can squelch the squabble with a sprinkle from his torch.

What two things does the spirit sprinkle from his torch?

As others have said, the spirit, who is the Ghost of Christmas Present, sprinkled the dinners of the poor with drops of incense from his torch. This incense is the Christmas spirit of good will.

What does the torch symbolize in A Christmas Carol?

The Ghost of Christmas Present’s torch, which it uses to spread good will, is a symbol of the transforming power of Christmas. He also wears a rusty scabbard without a sword, which is a symbol of peace.

How is Christmas spirit presented in A Christmas Carol stave 3?

In a booming voice, the spirit announces himself as the Ghost of Christmas Present. He tells Scrooge that he has more than 1800 brothers and his lifespan is a mere single day. The spirit orders Scrooge to touch his robe. The spirit then takes Scrooge to the meager home of Bob Cratchit, where Mrs.

How does the Ghost of Christmas Present represent Christmas?

The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will. He shows Scrooge scenes of people sharing what they have with each other, even if they have very little. If Scrooge is to change his life, there is no better time to start than Christmas. The Ghost of Christmas Future represents fear of death.

What does the ghost of Christmas present clothes represent?

The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will. He shows Scrooge scenes of people sharing what they have with each other, even if they have very little.

Why does the ghost of Christmas present age?

It was a long night, if it were only a night; but Scrooge had his doubts of this, because the Christmas Holidays appeared to be condensed into the space of time they passed together. It was strange, too, that while Scrooge remained unaltered in his outward form, the Ghost grew older, clearly older.

Why does the Ghost of Christmas Present look like Father Christmas?

This spirit is made much to resemble ‘Father Christmas’ an image common in the 1800’s as the spirit of the holidays, later adapted by our culture as ‘Santa Claus’. He brings Scrooge along as he blesses families and individuals across the globe with his magic torch bringing about a Merry and Blessed Christmas to all.

What does ghost of Christmas present do in stave 3?

The Ghost of Christmas Present presents poverty in Stave 3 through the various people that Scrooge is introduced to.

Why is Scrooge alone in A Christmas Carol stave 3?

A Christmas Carol Stave 3 Summary & Analysis. In turn he also sees how many poor, honest people surround him. These people are brought together by singing Christmas songs—on Christmas people always come together, even in the loneliest places—making Scrooge stand out as someone who has chosen to be alone.

How does the ghost of Christmas present work in A Christmas Carol?

Then the church bells ring and the flocks of people go off to church. As the people pass, the Ghost of Christmas Present is entranced by them, and sprinkles incense from his torch on their food, which has a magical effect of making any disagreements vanish.

What are examples of foreshadowing in stave 3 of A Christmas Carol?

One example of foreshadowing in stave 3 of A Christmas Carol is the moment when Scrooge notices how closely Tiny Tim sits to his father. It is clear that Bob realizes that his son could be soon taken from him, which foreshadows the young boy’s future if his circumstances do not change.