What are the advantages in A Modest Proposal?

What are the advantages in A Modest Proposal?

The six principal advantages of Jonathan Swift’s plan in A Modest Proposal are that children will become a source of income for their parents, it will lower the murder and abortion rates, it will shift population demographics – boosting the Protestant population and lowering the percentage of Catholics, it will …

What are the possible objections to the proposal?

What are the possible objections to the proposal? Some possible objections to the proposal include: Taxing people, only using natural things, getting rid of your ego and the price tag that comes along with it, rejecting things that draw a line and make someone better than the other.

What is the irony in the modest proposal?

The dominant figure of speech in “A Modest Proposal” is verbal irony, in which a writer or speaker says the opposite of what he means. Swift’s masterly use of this device makes his main argument—that the Irish deserve better treatment from the English—powerful and dreadfully amusing.

Who is attacked in A Modest Proposal?

Swift attacks more than one object in “A Modest Proposal”: the impotent Englishmen (landlords, law makers) who do not care about the Irish problem, the indifferent and lethargic readers who are unmoved by human tragedy, poor Irishmen who treat each other inhumanely, etc.

What are the benefits of a modest proposal?

Since overpopulation is a major cause of famine (due to the insufficiency of the land to support a large population), this would also reduce famine. It would also support the English goal of reducing the Irish Catholic population. 3. This scheme would mean fewer people reduced to begging or crime. 4.

Is the book A Modest Proposal a satire?

Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. ” A Modest Proposal ” by Jonathan Swift is a satire.

Who are the professed beggars in a modest proposal?

The author’s own “Intention,” he says, goes even further than providing for these children of “Professed Beggars”; his proposal includes in its scope all children “of a certain Age” whose parents, though they have not yet resorted to begging, are too poor to support them.

What was swift’s stance in a modest proposal?

The issue never becomes completely clear. In this passage, and in the tract as a whole, he tends not to choose sides; his stance is one of general exasperation with all parties in a complex problem. Swift is generous with his disdain, and his irony works both to censure the poor and to critique the society that enables their poverty.