What are 3 examples of e-waste?

What are 3 examples of e-waste?

Examples of electronic waste include, but not limited to: TVs, computer monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, cables, circuit boards, lamps, clocks, flashlight, calculators, phones, answering machines, digital/video cameras, radios, VCRs, DVD players, MP3 and CD players.

What is mobile phone muster?

MobileMuster is a not-for-profit organisation, managed by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, that provides a free mobile phone recycling program in Australia to the highest environmental standard.

What are examples of recyclable materials?

Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, tires, textiles, batteries, and electronics.

What is e-waste give example?

Although e-waste is a general term, it can be considered to denote items such as TV appliances, computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, white goods – for example, fridges, washing machines, dryers – home entertainment and stereo systems, toys, toasters and kettles.

What fraction of e-waste is recycled?

Only 12.5% of e-waste is currently recycled. For every 1 million cell phones that are recycled, 35,274 lbs of copper, 772 lbs of silver, 75 lbs of gold, and 33 lbs of palladium can be recovered.

What is e-waste explain different e-waste disposal methods?

Used electronics which are destined for refurbishment, reuse, resale, salvage recycling through material recovery, or disposal are also considered e-waste. Recycling and disposal of e-waste may involve significant risk to health of workers and their communities.

What are the different types of e waste?

Common types of e-waste include the following:- Infocomm technology (ICT) equipment, such as desktop, laptop and tablet computers, mobile phones, computer and mobile phone batteries, peripherals and accessories such as keyboards, modems, monitors, computer mice, docking stations, hard disk drives, printed circuit boards, battery chargers, etc.

How is e-waste recycled in the recycling process?

Because electronic waste contains a variety of materials, including plastics, glass, and metals, recycling e-waste requires several steps to recover these resources in the most efficient manner. In general, both manual labor and automation are involved during the electronic waste recycling process.

What’s the best way to recycle electronic waste?

When there is a lot of electronic waste, you may visit website and find the closest facility that provides e-waste collection for recycling. The type of process used largely depends on the type of materials that the items have inside. Pyrolysis is a way of recycling synthetic polymers.

What does E mean in a recycling plant?

E–Waste Recycling Plant Electronic wastes, “e-waste”, “e-scrap”, or “Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment” (“WEEE”) is a description of surplus, obsolete, broken or discarded electrical or electronic devices.