How does Scout feel about Boo in Chapter 8?

How does Scout feel about Boo in Chapter 8?

Scout is afraid when she first realizes that Boo Radley was so close to her. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he put the blanket around you.” Jem tells her that if she had turned around she would have seen him. He has a point.

How did Scout feel about reading?

The reader can tell that Scout is very passionate about literature and writing based on her reaction to Miss Caroline’s directives. Much like her father, who consistently reads the newspaper, Scout loves to read. She learned to read by sitting on Atticus’ lap at night and reading whatever he happened to be reading.

How is Scout affected by the outcome of to kill a Mockingbird?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is affected by the outcome of Tom Robinson’s trial in that it causes her to begin to realize the extent of the hypocrisy and prejudice in Maycomb, to recognize the significance of Atticus’s defense of Tom, and to mature in her outlook on life.

When does Uncle Jack visit scout in to kill a Mockingbird?

Uncle Jack comes to visit at Christmastime in Chapter 9 of To Kill a Mockingbird. He is unmarried and has never had children. Scout enjoys being around her uncle, but she feels that he does not understand children.

Who is Scout’s father in to kill a Mockingbird?

Jean Louise Finch, also known as “ Scout ”, is given the opportunity of being raised in this house by her father, Atticus. I stole this essay from the net. As she grows, Atticus passes down his values of equality and righteousness to Scout and her brother Jeremy Atticus Finch, also known as “Jem”.

How is Scout affected by the outcome of Tom Robinson’s trial?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is affected by the outcome of Tom Robinson’s trial in that it causes her to begin to realize the extent of the hypocrisy and prejudice in Maycomb, to recognize the significance of Atticus’s defense of Tom, and to mature in her outlook on life. Hover for more information.