Why does Scrooge say I am as light as a feather and merry as a boy?

Why does Scrooge say I am as light as a feather and merry as a boy?

He means that Scrooge is struggling with his stockings. (3) “I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel” – this series of clichéd similes shows how light-hearted Scrooge is.

Was Scrooge happy as a child?

Dickens shows that Scrooge experienced sad, lonely times in his childhood but also happy ones. Reconnecting with these past feelings – either of being lonely and vulnerable, or of being joyful and surrounded by loved ones – enables Scrooge to begin to feel sympathy for others.

I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy. I am as giddy as a drunken man. A merry Christmas to everybody! Scrooge is as light as a feather because he is alive and has hope that he can alter the future which the final spirit showed him.

We are shown that Scrooge had an unhappy childhood, but knew love from his sister who is presented extremely positively. Dickens shows that Scrooge experienced sad, lonely times in his childhood but also happy ones.

How does Dickens presents Scrooge’s happiness?

To Tiny Tim and Cratchit, he expresses that their happiness is misguided in light of their fortunes. Scrooge’s overall demeanor and attitude belies his thoughts of happiness as unnecessary and unimportant, something of a frivolity.

What is Scrooge’s typical response to Merry Christmas?

Bah! Humbug!
Question: What’s Scrooge’s typical response to Merry Christmas? Answer: “Bah! Humbug!”

Why does Scrooge give the knocker so much attention?

Marley had died seven years ago and had much the same qualities as Scrooge. He had been uncaring, selfish, and greedy, just like Scrooge. When Scrooge wanted to turn the key in the front door lock, his attention was drawn to the large knocker on the door.

Whats light as a feather but no man can hold?

I’m lighter than a feather but even the world’s strongest man can’t hold me for more than a few minutes. What am I? Breath. Air is light, but even Stig Severinsen, the world record holder can only hold his breath for 22 minutes.

What does Scrooge mean by’happy as a feather’?

He means that Scrooge is struggling with his stockings. (3) “I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel” – this series of clichéd similes shows how light-hearted Scrooge is. (4) “A merry Christmas to everybody!” – Scrooge had earlier responded to his nephew’s wishes for a ‘merry Christmas’ with his typical ‘Bah!’ and ‘Humbug!’

Why is Scrooge happy in A Christmas Carol?

Here are two sample answers that refer to Point 2 of the essay plan. Scrooge is shown as being happy in this extract from the end of the novella. We know this because Dickens uses the word ‘cried’ instead of something negative like ‘muttered’ or ‘grumbled’.

Who was better than Scrooge in his own heart?

Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world.

What did Scrooge say when he first met US?

When we first met Scrooge his repeated expression was a gloomy ‘Bah!’ and a dismissive ‘Humbug!’ showing the reader that he was mean-spirited. Here, however, he is changed to a man who cheerfully cries ‘Whoop!’ and ‘Hallo!’ and even ‘Merry Christmas!’