Why did Victor destroy the female monster?

Why did Victor destroy the female monster?

Why does Frankenstein destroy the Monster’s female companion? Frankenstein decides that he has a moral duty to destroy the female companion he is making for the Monster. He concludes that it would be selfish for him to create a companion for the Monster in order to save his own life.

How does Victor dispose of the female monster?

Concerning Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor puts the remains of the female into a basket and drops it into the sea from his boat, during the night under the cover of clouds.

Why did Victor destroy the female creature quizlet?

Because creating a female creature means to bring a frightening species to the earth. What is Victor afraid of by creating the female monster? He is afraid of that the female monster might be brutal and does not like first monster.

What does the creature vow when Victor destroys the female?

How is this similar to what happened after Victor created the Creature? Victor falls into another sickness after he destroys the female. The creature vows to “see him on his wedding night.” The monster vows to destroy Victor’s happiness.

Why does Elizabeth think Victor is depressed?

Elizabeth thinks that Victor is depressed and troubled because he’s torn between her and another woman. What does Victor think will occur between himself and the monster on his wedding-night? The wedding-night tragedy adversary’s affects Alphonse Frankenstein because he dies from heart break and stress.

Why did Victor put off marrying Elizabeth?

Why does Victor want to put off marrying Elizabeth? He wants to finish the creatures mate first.

Why did Victor have to destroy the female monster?

Victor tells us that the reason he must destroy the female monster is because he does not want the “future ages” to “curse [him] as their pest” (174).

Why was the woman monster destroyed in Frankenstein?

From Cynthia Pon’s essay ‘“Passages” in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” she discusses a feminist point of view on the destruction of the woman monster in the novel Frankenstein. There is a section in her article that focuses on female criticism of the novel and the reasoning behind why the female monster was never brought to life.

What did the monster say to Victor on his wedding night?

The threat the monster makes is an ominous one:”I shall be with you on your wedding-night.” The monster then disappears into the night. Victor now contemplates who will be the creature’s next victim.

Why was the woman monster not brought to life?

Possible ideas on why the female monster was not brought to life… Mary Shelley had already established Victor Frankenstein as the creator of the monster, the woman monster would have brought a disruption to the idea that science represents creation of life and a new world