Who said never assume anything?

Who said never assume anything?

Context. This line is spoken by Felix Unger (Tony Randall), in the TV show The Odd Couple (1970-1975). When neat freak Felix Unger must defend his slobby roommate, Oscar (Jack Klugman), he has a tidy takedown for one witness who isn’t quite sure exactly what she saw.

What is the saying about the word assume?

This proverb plays on the fact that the word “assume” may be broken down into the letters “ass”, “u”, and “me”, and is intended to suggest that one should not make assumptions because they may turn out to be wrong and make those involved appear foolish.

What happens when you assume something?

When you make an assumption, you tell yourself that something is true without actually having any evidence that it is. It’s all too easy to lead your life never questioning that you are assuming things to be facts.

When you assume something you make an?

Megan starts to respond with a takeoff on the modern proverb: “When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me.” This proverb plays on the fact that the word “assume” may be broken down into the letters “ass”, “u”, and “me”, and is intended to suggest that one should not make assumptions because they may turn out to …

What is the difference between presume and assume?

Although presume and assume both mean “to take something as true,” “presume” implies more confidence or evidence backed reasoning. An “assumption” suggests there is little evidence supporting your guess. If you’re making a guess based on little or no evidence, the word to use is ‘assume’.

Who said assumption is the mother of all f ups?

Steven Seagal
In the movie Under Siege 2 with Steven Seagal, the famous quote originated. Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

Why is it bad to assume?

Assumptions allow you to hide behind your version of the story. This means you don’t own your part in the true story. You prefer to blame others for your misfortune, rather than look in the mirror. They keep you stuck in the past.

Why assuming things is bad?

What can I say instead of assume?


  • daresay,
  • guess,
  • imagine,
  • presume,
  • speculate,
  • suppose,
  • surmise,
  • Does presumptuous mean assuming?

    prĭ-zŭmpcho͝o-əs. The definition of presumptuous is taking things for granted or being overconfident. An example of presumptuous is assuming that you will win the city wide spelling bee just because you scored 100% on your last spelling quiz.