Who is the boss of the Spirit Temple?

Who is the boss of the Spirit Temple?

Twinrova: Spirit Temple Boss.

Do you need the longshot for the Spirit Temple?

You can also complete the Fire and Water Temples before the Spirit Temple; however, you must get the longshot to reach the Spirit Temple so you have to beat the first half of the Water Temple for the longshot first (assuming you aren’t using any glitches).

Is the spirit temple hard?

Austin. Hardest to easiest: Spirit Temple: I loved the temple itself, but the Child portion was such a major pain since it took forever to kill some of the enemies. It wasn’t hard to beat them, but it took way too long.

Are hover boots required for Spirit Temple?

The Hover Boots are not required to complete the Spirit Temple. You don’t even need them to get there.

Can you beat the Shadow Temple without the lens of truth?

All the Lens of Truth does is show the illusions that are in the game. Even without the Lens the hidden doors and paths and all that stuff is still there, you just don’t see it.

Can you beat the Water Temple without the longshot?

Discovered by MrGrunz. To do this you need to Bomb Hover using either bombchus or bombs until Link’s head is in line with the wooden frame of the boss door. Otherwise, you will be too far away from the door when you jumpslash and will not clip through.

What is the hardest dungeon in OOT?

The Spirit Temple has Iron Knuckles which can be difficult when playing through the game for the first time, and Twinrova isn’t an easy boss to figure out. Spirit is probably the hardest overall followed by Water, Shadow/Forest, and Fire.

Why is Ocarina of Time Water Temple so hard?

What Makes The Water Temple So Hard? The Water Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time requires Link to constantly don and doff the Iron Boots in order to navigate the flooded dungeon. This means players are pausing the game every ten seconds to access a new room.