Who is Ciel in Brewster Place?

Who is Ciel in Brewster Place?

Lucielia Louise Turner Ciel, the grandchild of Eva Turner, also ends up on Brewster Place. Her chapter begins with the return of the boyfriend who had left her eleven months before when their baby, Serena, was only a month old.

What happened to Basil on Women of Brewster’s Place?

Whatever happened to Basil, that errant son of Mattie Micheal? He convinced his mama to put her house on the line to keep him out of jail and then skipped town, forcing the poor woman to pack up and move to a shabby tenement on Brewster Place.

What happened Butch Fuller?

Butch Fuller Butch lives his life only for the moment. He moves from one woman to the next, always leaving before any problems or trouble can arise. He indirectly passes his life philosophy on to Basil.

Why does Ciel have an abortion?

Ciel’s dream is to hold on to the man she loves and to create a strong family unit. She innocently believes she can make this happen if she works hard and does things just right. In her self-delusion and optimism, she defers her desire to grow her family and gets an abortion to save the relationship.

How does Mattie’s father react to her pregnancy?

Mattie’s overly protective father, Samuel Michael, loathes Butch. Discovering she’s pregnant, Mattie refuses to reveal who is responsible, fearing Sam will kill Butch. Sam is enraged and tries to beat the truth out of her until Fannie Michael, her mother, stops the violence with a shotgun blast.

How does Serena die in Brewster Place?

Following the abortion, Ciel is already struggling emotionally when young Serena dies in a freak accident. Her little girl’s death serves up a killing blow from which she barely recovers. Ciel’s story highlights the psychological effects some women experience after terminating a pregnancy.

How did Brewster Place come into existence of what significance is the wall literally and symbolically?

Brewster Place’s Wall The wall separating Brewster Place from the main avenues of the city serves several important purposes. Following its initial creation, the wall comes to symbolize the indifference with which Brewster Place is treated by the men responsible for its creation.

Why does Mattie finally decide to leave all she knows behind for a new life in New York City?

By the end of the book, though, Mattie’s figured out a way to honor her family and herself, striking a balance between passion and duty. When Weaver asks Mattie why she’s finally decided to leave Eagle Bay, she tells him “‘Because Grace Brown can’t'” (49.34).

Who played Butch Fuller?

Clark Johnson
Clark Johnson: Butch Fuller.

What happened to Lorraine in Women of Brewster Place?

After a fight with Theresa, Lorraine goes to a party on her own. Afterward, instead of coming straight home, she goes down a dark alley. She is confronted by a group of young men who had earlier insulted her because of her sexuality. They gang rape her and leave her for dead.

What happened to Mattie Michael son Basil?

What is the outcome of Mattie’s time with Butch?

The pregnancy that results from Mattie’s one sexual encounter with Butch causes her to be thrown out of her father’s house. In order to save her father from the murder she knows he will commit she refuses to name Butch.

What does Mattie learn about life from Miss Eva?

Expert Answers Mattie has a hard life after she becomes pregnant and the father of her son abandons her. Her father is abusive, and she leaves so that this won’t affect her son. However, she finds peace when she meets Eva, who helps provide for her and Basil.

How old is Mattie Michael?

Many will die on the crowded windowsill. The smell of cooking from the apartment below triggers Mattie’s memories of her journey to Brewster Place. That story begins 31 years ago in Rock Vale, Tennessee, on a hot August day when Mattie is 21 years old.

Following the abortion, Ciel is already struggling emotionally when young Serena dies in a freak accident. Her little girl’s death serves up a killing blow from which she barely recovers. She creates an “other woman” in her brain who owns the abortion. Afterward, she feels disconnected from the world around her.

Where did Oprah Winfrey live as a child?

The story begins with Mattie Michael ( Oprah Winfrey) moving into Brewster Place, a run-down urban tenement. She then reflects upon her life, told in flashback. As a young girl, Mattie resides on a farm with her parents.

What was the name of the movie Oprah was in?

Oprah’s Role: LaJoe Rivers, a single mom trying to steer her two sons, Pharoah and Lafayette, in the right direction amid gang- and drug-related violence at their Chicago housing project. This ABC movie was originally adapted from Alex Kotlowitz’s memoir. A rare VHS tape of it is available on Amazon.

Who are the actors in the women of Brewster Place?

The miniseries stars an ensemble cast of African-American actors and actresses such as Cicely Tyson, Oprah Winfrey, Jackée Harry, Robin Givens, Lynn Whitfield, Paula Kelly, Lonette McKee, Paul Winfield, Mary Alice, Olivia Cole, Moses Gunn, William Allen Young,…

Who is Oprah Winfrey’s stepmother Zelma Winfrey?

Zelma Winfrey, Oprah’s stepmother, and the men in the barbershop chuckle softly as Vernon Winfrey lathers a pair of graying sideburns. On the television, Oprah whips through the audience, prodding and challenging her guests and the people in the studio.