Where is the Quints by Surprise family now?

Where is the Quints by Surprise family now?

Family history Since 2005, the couple has lived in the Steiner Ranch community of Texas. Their desire to start a family was impeded by infertility. It was discovered Ethan suffered an extremely low sperm count. They turned to fertility treatments, using a sperm donor along with intrauterine insemination (IUI).

How old are the Hodges quints now?

The quintuplets are three years old now. Rowan is in his fifth year and is coping up well with the changes.

Who is Elizabeth Hodges?

Dr Elizabeth Hodges Elizabeth is the research facilitator for DPIR. Her secondment included working on impact case studies for DPIR but also for the Blavatnik School of Government, the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), and the Law Faculty.

When was the first season of Quints by surprise filmed?

Filming on the first season occurred in late Spring and Summer 2010. The family filmed on average three to four days per week. Season 2 was filmed during December 2010 and January 2011, and included the quintuplets’ second birthday. The third season filmed through October 2011, and premiered on November 8.

Who are the couple on Quints by surprise?

The TLC series Quints by Surprise featured a real-life family raising six children. Ethan and his wife Casey Jones are Texas natives who met at their seventh-grade dance. After marrying, they struggled to conceive children and turned to fertility treatments, opting to use a sperm donor and undergo intrauterine insemination (IUI).

How old are the Jones children on Quints by surprise?

They’re not so little anymore. Yes, like all children, even the ones on TV must grow up. The Jones family posted on their Instagram account that the quints are entering fifth grade and their oldest is going to be a sophomore in high school. Wow, time certainly flies!

What happens at the water park in Quints by surprise?

Casey tries to get the perfect shot of her growing family. The family celebrates the end of summer at a water park before Eliot prepares to start first grade. With Casey and Eliot off on a girls only vacation, Ethan must take care of the quintuplets by himself. The Jones family is going camping!