What is the role of the leader in a samba band?

What is the role of the leader in a samba band?

In a samba school, the apito de samba plays a crucial role because during these performances, the mestre de bateria – the “band leader” – uses the whistle to signal transitions to the band. Outside Brazil, especially in Europe, the samba whistle is also used as a rhythm instrument.

Why is samba so important?

In the context of ‘World Music’, samba offers a powerful fusion of rhythm, dance and spectacle and, beyond its popularity on record and in performance, samba has become a staple popular music for parades, processions and even protest marches around the globe.

What is a samba break?

A break is a 4 or 8 beat rhythm which is usually played once or twice. It is used to provide to create contrast to the main groove. A mid section is where just 1 or 2 instruments change the rhythm of their ostinato and the others stay the same or stop playing all together.

What are samba calls?

Samba music has no set structure and follows a series of signals from the lead repinique player. The signals are often played on a whistle called the apito . All the players learn their parts aurally and will often use words to help them memorise the rhythms.

How did samba start?

The origins of samba are linked to African drumming music. When people were transported to Brazil from Africa to be enslavd in the mines and sugar plantations, they brought aspects of their musical culture with them.

What do you need to know about samba music?

Samba music has no set structure and follows a series of signals from the lead repinique player. The signals are often played on a whistle called the apito. All the players learn their parts aurally and will often use words to help them memorise the rhythms.

Why are samba schools so important in Brazil?

Samba schools have a strong community basis and are traditionally associated with a particular neighborhood. They are often seen to affirm the cultural validity of the Afro-Brazilian heritage in contrast to the mainstream education system, and have evolved often in contrast to authoritarian development.

What are the roots of Latin American samba?

This unit introduces the polyrhythmic style of Latin American Samba and identifies its roots in African and Spanish/Portuguese music. Through performing Samba pupils will learn the sounds and understand the roles of each instrument used in Samba and experience the exhilaration and physical impact of percussion ensemble music.

What kind of drums are in a samba band?

Samba styled music originates from Brazil. The rhythm section of a samba band consisting of drums is known as a bateria . A samba band normally consists of Tamborims , Snare drums (Caixa), Agogo bells, Surdos, Ganzás / Chocalho (shakers), Cuíca, Timbal, Pandeiro, and the Repinique.