What is the CMYK for aqua?

What is the CMYK for aqua?

Aqua CMYK Color Codes

Hex Code #6DCFF6
RGB Values (109, 207, 246)
CMYK Values (50%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
HSV/HSB Values (197°, 56%, 96%)
Closest Web Safe #66CCFF

What is true red in CMYK?

The CMYK values of pure Red are 0% Cyan, 99% Magenta, 100% Yellow, and 0% Black (highlighted in green within Figure 1).

What color code is aqua?

Traditionally, that color, defined as #00FFFF in hex, or (0,255,255) in RGB. The #00FFFF color code is called “cyan” in the RGB color but the X11 color names introduced the alternative name “aqua” for #00FFFF. Later, W3C popularized the name by using it in the named color palette of HTML 3.2 specifications.

What is the color code for aqua green?

The hexadecimal color code #03bb85 is a medium dark shade of green-cyan. In the RGB color model #03bb85 is comprised of 1.18% red, 73.33% green and 52.16% blue.

What is the CMYK for teal?

Information about Teal / #008080 In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #008080 is made of 100% cyan, 0% magenta, 0% yellow and 50% black. Teal has a hue angle of 180 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 25.1%.

What does red represent?

Red is for energy, passion and danger Red is associated with the heat of energy, passion and love. We “see red” when we’re angry and it’s also the color of blood, power and danger, making it a powerful color in branding. Think of the bold red of a fireman’s truck or the ‘stop’ sign in traffic.

What is white in CMYK?

In CMYK, ‘white’ means ‘no ink’. So CMYK ‘white’ will just be whatever paper stock you are using. White is C-0 M-0 Y-0 K-0.

What Colour is 00ffff?

Hex #00ffff

Category green (light green)
RGB R 0 G 255 B 255 RGB (0, 255, 255) copy to clipboard
HSL H 180 S 1 L 0.5
CMYK C 100% M 0% Y 0% K 0%
Usage of green The color #00ffff is a great light shade. Is it suitable for text, buttons or backgrounds? Read usage recommendations …

What color is rust?

orange-brown color
Rust is an orange-brown color resembling iron oxide.

What color is seafoam green?

green blue
Seafoam green is a soft green blue color that, similar to other shades of green, evokes luck, freshness, and nature. Its pale shade, however, additionally represents innocence and youth. Its appearance is quite similar to mint green, and so they are sometimes used interchangeably.

What color is aqua blue?

Aqua is a spectral color between blue and green that is named for the color of water. In an RGB color model, aqua is often represented as the strongest intensity of green and blue with no red. This is due to the properties of water and light.