What is Rolleinar?

What is Rolleinar?

A Rolleinar is a set of close-up lenses that fit on the front of your Rolleiflex. This shortens the working distance to your subject at the cost of minimal distortion and arguable loss of quality.

Which Rolleinar for portraits?

The Rolleinar 1 close focus lens lets the Rolleicord focus at less than one meter and should be perfect for my portraits. The Rolleinar 2 lens set is more magnified and lets you photograph closer.

How do you use a Rolleinar?

Simply take the entire, three-piece connected group, place it on the taking lens, and lock it in place. Then twist-off the outer Rolleinar/Rolleiparkeil pair, and place that on the viewing lens, locking it into place, making sure the red dot on the Rolleiparkeil faces the top of the camera.

What is Rolleiparkeil?

squire: the rolleiparkeil, as the name implies, is used for parallax correction in conjunction with a rolleinar set. a rolleinar set consists of two parts, one that fits over the taking lens and one that fits over the viewing lens. the rolleiparkeil fits over the rolleinar module that goes on the taking lens.

How do I install a Rolleifix?

2. Turn mounting screw C counter-clockwise until it stops….For Use:

  1. Screw panorama head at first only lightly into tripod socket.
  2. Match pins and sockets of panorama head and camera, then press together.
  3. Tighten screw firmly.
  4. Mount on a sturdy tripod.
  5. Level off horizontally by centering bubble of spirit level.

How many Rolleinar lenses does a camera need?

You need two Rolleinar lenses to change the focal length on both lenses of the camera (taking an viewing). The newer sets came only with two parts: one (thin) Rolleinar lens and one (thick) so called “Heidosmat-Rolleinar”. Heidosmat-Rolleinar means two parts in one: a Rolleinar lens and a Rolleiparkeil.

Which is a Rolleinar set on a Rolleiflex?

Earlier three-piece Rolleinar set on a Rolleiflex. You can see the last couple of letters of “Rolleiparkeil 1” on the engraving of the upper attachment. Note also that there are two knurled rings on the viewing lens, because it’s two separate pieces, joined together — outer is the Rolleiparkeil, inner is the Rolleinar.

What’s the difference between Rolleinar and heidasmat lenses?

The Rolleinar with the thicker mount is for the viewing lens (Heidasmat) and contains a built-in prism for parallax correction. As a result the field of view in the ground glass coincides with the photograph even at very short distances. A red dot an the mount indicates the uppermost side of the lens for correct positioning in use.

When did the Rolleinar lens attachments come out?

Made from the late 1940s to the early 1950s, they consist of two lens attachments labeled Rolleinar, and a third piece labeled Rolleiparkeil. Later Rolleinars are a two-piece system. Made from the early 1950s onward, they consist of one lens attachment labeled Rolleinar, and a second piece labeled Heidosmat-Rolleinar.