What is Reporter ReportEvent in QTP?

What is Reporter ReportEvent in QTP?

ReportEvent in QTP. Reportvent is standard method provided by QTP to send custom messages to the test results window. …

What all can be performed using reporter object?

Reporter Object is used for sending information to the test results. With the help of this object you can: Report the status of test results (like pass, fail, warning) Enable/Disable reporting of step(s) following the statement.

How do you insert result for a step in test results?

Step 1: While recording or editing, click the step, which we want the new step to follow. (After finishing the activity of defining the new step, QTP will insert it after this step.) Step 2: Choose Insert > Step Generator or right-click the step and choose Insert Step > Step Generator. Alternatively, press F7.

What are the types of reports available in UFT?

Reporting Modes in UFT

  • or rfEnableErrorsAndWarnings. Only events with a warning or fail status are displayed in the Run Results.
  • or rfEnableErrorsOnly. Only events with a fail status are displayed in the Run Results.
  • or rfDisableAll.

What are checkpoints in UFT?

A checkpoint is a verification point that compares the current value with the expected value for specified properties of an Object. If the current and expected value match it generates a PASS status otherwise FAIL status.

What are the test steps?

However, every test case can be broken down into 8 basic steps.

  1. Step 1: Test Case ID.
  2. Step 2: Test Description.
  3. Step 3: Assumptions and Pre-Conditions.
  4. Step 4: Test Data.
  5. Step 5: Steps to be Executed.
  6. Step 6: Expected Result.
  7. Step 7: Actual Result and Post-Conditions.
  8. Step 8: Pass/Fail.

What is UFT report?

ReportEvent Statement is used to send desired events (like Pass, Fail, etc) and custom messages in the run results of UFT. For example, you have written the code for doing log-in to an application. After submitting the page with valid credentials, you might check whether the next page is displaying or not.

What is test fusion report in UFT?

– Test Fusion Report is a compilation of the entire testing process. It includes an overview of where the failure occurred, the test data that was used in testing, Screen shots to support inconsistencies, detailed view of checkpoints.