What is a KBL 6800 tanning bed?

What is a KBL 6800 tanning bed?

The KBL 6800 Alpha Pearl is the most sophisticated tanning bed in the industry. This unique bed helps you to achieve the perfect tan specific for your skin type through it’s cutting edge IntelliSun technology and P2 pigment lamps.

What level is a KBL tanning bed?

In other words, the KBL 5600 Alpha is first-class tanning with plenty of space for a feeling of freedom! FEATURES: P2 pigment lamps to provide you with a boost of Vitamin D3. AquaCool breeze mist to keep you cool.

What is a Level 6 tanning bed?

Level 6 tanning is the top level of tan at Tropical Tanning. Level 6 includes the 15 minutes max Matrix High Pressure Bed, as well as the 12 minutes max Destiny High Pressure Booth.

How much is a high end tanning bed?

Indoor tanning beds can range in price from less than $2,000 to well over $6,000. The overall cost will be affected by bulb wattage, design, number of bulbs, and optional features included.

Are KBL tanning beds good?

KBL tanning beds are perfect for your salon clients who desire well-tended skin and a beautiful complexion. These KBL tanning beds are excellent in design, providing an outstanding technique and well thought-out functionality which can turn your salon into something extraordinary.

What is a matrix tanning bed?

The Matrix is a high pressure tanning bed, high pressure refers to the type of lamp used and means that most of the UVB rays, or “burning rays”, are filtered out. Consequently, you are exposed to almost all UVA rays or the rays that produce the golden brown tan.

Is UVA or UVB better for tanning?

UVA rays, which penetrate deep into the skin, are responsible for tanning. UVB rays damage superficial skin cell layers, causing sunburn. Tanning beds use fluorescent bulbs that emit mostly UVA, with smaller doses of UVB.

How many tanning sessions does it take to see results?

Usually, the results are noticeable after three tanning sessions, but it may take a few weeks of consistency to get a defined tan (at least 3-4 times weekly). If you are preparing a base tan before going on a holiday, consider starting tanning three weeks prior.

How long do tanning bed tans last?

Sunbeds: Once again, this will depend on how light or dark you have chosen to have your tan. The condition and health of your skin will also contribute to its longevity. With a lighter tan, it will likely fade after 1 or 2 weeks. With a darker tan, you can expect it to last up to 4 months.