What does the town think of Homer Barron?

What does the town think of Homer Barron?

The citizens initially believe that Homer Barron left in order to prepare for their upcoming wedding. They also believe that Homer may have left to give Emily a chance to get rid of her cousins.

Why do the townspeople not like Homer Barron?

Some townspeople distrust him because he is both a Northerner and day laborer, and his Sunday outings with Emily are in many ways scandalous, because the townspeople regard Emily—despite her eccentricities—as being from a higher social class.

What does the town represent in A Rose for Emily?

The townspeople respect Miss Emily as a kind of living monument to their glorified but lost pre-Civil War Southern past, but are therefore also highly judgmental and gossipy about her, sometimes hypocritically.

How does the town’s view of Miss Emily’s relationship with Homer Barron change over time?

When nothing changes, the townspeople believe that Emily will end up marrying Homer Barron. The attitude of the citizens regarding Emily’s relationship with Homer appears to change once again when they mention that they are glad that she is marrying Homer simply because they want Emily’s kin to leave town.

Why did Homer Die In A Rose for Emily?

Since the townspeople assumed that Homer had merely left town for good, his work being completed, Emily must have realized that he would never be missed. Emily, being faced with the fact that Homer would never marry her, bought the wedding gear and killed Homer so that he would never leave her.

Why do the townspeople think Miss Emily would never marry someone like Homer?

Why was Homer Barron disapproved of in a rose for Emily?

When Homer Barron and Miss Emily begin to date, the community of Jefferson disapproves of their relationship because Homer is a laborer from the North who is not of the same social status as Emily… The plot structure of “A Rose for Emily” is non-linear.

Who was Homer Barron and what did he do?

Homer Barron is a Northern laborer who comes to Jefferson to help pave the sidewalks. Though the younger citizens of Jefferson dismiss his status as a Northerner, they come to appreciate Homer’s charisma and sense of humor.

What did Homer say about Emily and Homer?

Both Emily and Homer are being negged pretty hard here: the townsfolk are suggesting that only a gay man looking for a beard would consider Emily, and that only a desperate spinster would consider a man who “liked men.” Of course, this could all be false.

How does the town view of Emily Grierson?

As a young girl, Emily Grierson was part of the old aristocracy; she was privileged as the daughter of a wealthy and prestigious man. After her dominating father dies, Emily clings to the past and dismisses the aldermen who come to claim taxes as well as the ladies of the town who pay her a visit to offer their condolences.