What does a note with a dot after it mean?

What does a note with a dot after it mean?

A dot above or below a note tells you to play it short and detached. This should not be confused with a dot after a note which alters its value. Short, detached, jumpy notes are called staccato.

What difference does adding a dot to a note make?

Each dot in a double dotted note has a different value though. The first dot is as described above, you extend the duration of the note by adding on half of the note’s value. But the second dot adds on half of the first dot’s value to the note.

Does a dot shorten a note?

Dots and ties allow for basic durations to be lengthened. A dot occurs after a pitch or a rest, and it increases its duration by half. For example, if a quarter note is equivalent in duration to two eighth notes, a dotted quarter note would be equivalent to three eighth notes.

How many beats does a dot give a note?

A dot written after a note adds one-half of the note’s value to the original note’s value. A quarter note equals one beat. A dot after the quarter note adds ½ beat (½ of the original value). A dotted quarter note equals 1½ beats.

What does a dot mean in math?

The dot signifies multiplication. To multiply numeric values, as in “2 multiplied by 3′, enter ‘2*3’, where the symbol ‘*’ can be entered through ‘Shift+8’.

What dotted notes get 1 1 2 beats?

If you guessed 1 and ½ beats, you are correct! The quarter note equals one beat. The dot is half the value of the note, which is half of a beat. Add one beat and half of a beat and you get a dotted quarter note that equals one and a half beats!

What does a dot next to a note mean?

So a dot next to a whole note would mean that you would have a whole note plus the value of a half note. A half note with a dot next to it would mean you have a half note plus the value of a quarter note. The same rule applies for all notes with a dot next to them.

What’s the difference between staccato and dotted notes?

Dotted Notes. Ok, here is where there is some confusion. A dot above or below the note is an articulation. Articulations (like staccato) affect how the note is played (i.e., short and detached). A dot next to the note affects the duration of the note (i.e., how long the note is held).

How much is a dot worth in music?

The dot is worth half of whatever the note or rest or dot that is in front of it.

How to find out the value of a dotted note?

Test yourself by calculating the values of the dotted whole note (dotted semibreve) and dotted eighth note (dotted quaver) shown below. When you think you have worked out how many beats each note is worth click the note to find out if you are correct! Calculate the value of the dotted eighth note and click to find if you are correct.