What did the Ghost say would happen to Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol?

What did the Ghost say would happen to Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol?

Scrooge shows concern for Tiny Tim by asking the Ghost what will happen to him. The Ghost replies by telling Scrooge that if things go on as they are, then Tiny Tim will die. The implication here is that Scrooge must change his ways in order to save the young lad’s life.

What does the spirit imply will happen to Tiny Tim?

Scrooge learns that Tiny Tim will die unless the future changes. The spirit reminds Scrooge of his earlier words: ‘If he is to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population’ 3.

What does the Ghost say will happen to Tiny Tim if Scrooge doesn’t change his ways?

Tiny Tim plays a large part in Scrooge’s change. Tiny Tim’s fate is linked very closely to Scrooge’s fate, which tightens the connection that Dickens establishes between the two social classes. If Scrooge does not change his miserly ways, Tiny Tim is sure to die.

How does the spirit respond when Scrooge asks if Tiny Tim will live?

“Spirit,” said Scrooge, who felt sorry for the boy, “tell me if Tiny Tim will live.” “I see an empty seat,” replied the ghost, “and a crutch without an owner. If these shadows don’t change in the future, the child will die.” This made Scrooge very sad, but the spirit went on and took Scrooge to his nephew’s house.

Why does Tiny Tim have a crutch?

Second, Tiny Tim “bore a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iron frame,” a reference to leg braces that were used to manage bowing of the legs. So Tiny Tim had some sort of skeletal or nervous system disorder, Lewis surmised.

Why does Scrooge ask about Tiny Tim?

Among them is Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit’s young son, who is crippled. He is also weak and in poor health. Scrooge sees this and he asks the spirit if Tiny Tim is going to die.

What did Scrooge do when Tiny Tim died?

Scrooge was deeply affected by Tiny Tim before and the great love he saw in the Cratchit family. He is now saddened by Tim’s death. He wanted to see the boy live. When Scrooge realizes that the man whose death he saw was himself, he asks the ghost why he is being shown all of these visions if he is beyond all hope.

Why is Scrooge scared of Tiny Tim?

In A Christmas Carol, Scrooge reacts to Tiny Tim’s death with great sadness, particularly as he considers the uncaring words he has spoken about the poor. Scrooge has previously refused to donate to charities to help the poor, believing that they should die and lessen the tax burden on himself and others.

What was Tiny Tim sick with?

Now, a medical doctor thinks he has the answer. According to Russell Chesney, a physician at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, Tiny Tim suffered from a combination of rickets and tuberculosis.

Why did Scrooge ask about Tiny Tim?

Among them is Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit’s young son, who is crippled. He is also weak and in poor health. Scrooge sees this and he asks the spirit if Tiny Tim is going to die. Seeing the poverty of his employee and his family and their Christmastime joy, Scrooge experiences a change of heart.

What made Tiny Tim sick?

Rickets has also been suggested as the unnamed illness. When Edward Ehlinger, director of the University of Minnesota’s Boynton Health Service, polled his staff, the consensus was that Tiny Tim had this bone disease, which is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D.

What sickness did Tiny Tim have?

Tiny Tim has been the subject of medical detective work to establish his medical condition. Tiny Tim is believed to have had rickets, tuberculosis (TB), polio, and/or cerebral palsy.

How is Scrooge affected by the death of Tiny Tim?

Scrooge is deeply affected when he learns of Tiny Tim’s death, and devastated when he realizes the man whose lonely life he has been seeing is his own. By the time the last ghost comes for Scrooge, he considers himself a changed man. The ghosts want to make sure that their lessons stick, however.

How did Scrooge react when Tiny Tim died?

How does Scrooge react to Tiny Tim dying?

Why does Scrooge ask if Tiny Tim will die?

If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” Upon hearing the ghost’s response, Scrooge feels ashamed of himself and is overcome with “penitence and grief.” Scrooge sees this and he asks the spirit if Tiny Tim is going to die.

Did Tiny Tim die on stage?

He fell off a stage on Sept. 28 after suffering a heart attack during a ukulele festival in Massachusetts and was hospitalized for 11 days. “If I live 10 years, it’s a miracle. Five years, it’s even more of a miracle,″ Tiny Tim said after his release.

Will Tiny Tim live if nothing changes?

“Spirit,” said Scrooge, with an interest he had never felt before, “tell me if Tiny Tim will live.” “I see a vacant seat,” replied the Ghost, “in the poor chimney-corner, and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die.” “No, no,” said Scrooge.

Does Scrooge help Tiny Tim?

After Ebenezer Scrooge’s transformation, Scrooge could have ensured an improved diet, sunshine exposure, and possibly cod liver oil for Tiny Tim, which could have led to a “cure.” Dickens was familiar with both rickets and TB and wrote about cod liver oil as a possible cure for rickets and scrofula.

What does Bob say when Tiny Tim dies?

He cries openly when his son Tiny Tim is dead. “My little, little child!” cried Bob. “My little child!” The repetition of ‘little’ adds to the sad effect of Bob’s cry. We feel sympathy for him at this point.

What does Tiny Tim say at the end of A Christmas Carol?

This, and several other visions, lead Scrooge to reform his ways. At the end of the story, Dickens makes it explicit that Tiny Tim doesn’t die, and Scrooge becomes a “second father” to him. In the story, Tiny Tim is known for the statement, “God bless us, every one!” which he offers as a blessing at Christmas dinner.

What does the ghost tell Scrooge about Tiny Tim?

The Ghost replies by telling Scrooge that if things go on as they are, then Tiny Tim will die. The implication here is that Scrooge must change his ways in order to save the young lad’s life. At this stage in the story, it would appear that Scrooge is indeed starting to change his ways.

What does the spirit predict will happen to Tiny Tim?

Scrooge was deeply saddened and devastated when he realized that Tiny Tim had died.”No, no,” said Scrooge. “Oh, no, kind Spirit! say he will be spared.” What relation is Scrooge to Tiny Tim? They are not related except both are in the Human Family- of the Holiday spirit- reluctantly and belatedly accepted by Scrooge.

What happens at the end of A Christmas Carol?

When visited by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, Scrooge sees that Tiny Tim has died. This, and several other visions, lead Scrooge to reform his ways. At the end of the story, Dickens makes it explicit that Tiny Tim does not die, and Scrooge becomes a “second father” to him.