What crisis involving Tim Johnson reveals the children a surprising skill their father possesses?

What crisis involving Tim Johnson reveals the children a surprising skill their father possesses?

What crisis shows the children a surprising skill their father possesses? When a rabid dog is headed their way, Atticus kills it with a single shot.

What were Scout and Jem surprised to learn about their father how did he show them this skill?

Jem and Scout are astonished and surprised to learn that Atticus is the deadliest shot in Maycomb after he shoots and kills a rabid dog in one shot. At the beginning of Chapter 10, Scout describes her father as “feeble,” and creates a list of things that Atticus is incapable of doing.

What is Tim Johnson’s problem?

In Tim the dog’s case, his wondering around caused him to get rabies. This is why suddenly the dog begins to act strangely, to the point that Calpurnia recognizes the signs and takes the kids to a safe and isolated location.

What do the children learn in Chapter 10 TKAM?

THINGS JEM & SCOUT LEARN IN CHAPTER 10 They learn that Atticus is the best checker player in town, even though he often lets Jem and Scout beat them when they play. They learn Atticus can play the Jew’s Harp. They learn he is a crack marksman. They learn that his old nickname was “One-Shot” Finch when he was a child.

Why does Miss Maudie think it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird?

Miss Maudie talks about all the things that mockingbirds do not do: “They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 10). A mockingbird represents innocence in the story.

What does Tim Johnson in To Kill a Mockingbird symbolize?

Tim Johnson, the dog, could symbolize the prejudice and mob mentality of Maycomb. For example, because most of the people of Maycomb are guilty of hateful prejudice, when they get together, they act like a rabid dog. They are out of control, take action or speak without logic, and strike without warning.

What is wrong with Mrs Dubose?

Mrs Dubose is another courageous character. She has been addicted to the painkiller morphine and is determined to be free from this addiction before she dies. Without realising it, when Jem reads to her he is helping her to overcome her addiction.

How does the world stop at the passing of a father?

It’s often surprising to men how the world doesn’t stop at his passing. Sons are acutely aware of their father’s passing, and when the world doesn’t share that same awareness it can leave the grieving son feeling terribly alone and isolated from a world that doesn’t seem to understand.

What happens to the legacy of a father?

For the son who is also a father, examining the legacy also comes with the realization that they too are a link in this chain, that someday they will be passing the legacy on to their own children.

How does a son deal with the death of his father?

In many ways the death of a father serves as a right of passage, though a painful and difficult one. This is due to the fact that for many sons their inheritance is less about property and more about responsibility. Many men, regardless of their age when their father died, feel like they grew up suddenly and significantly when it happened.

What’s the relationship between a son and his father?

This dynamic between father and son isn’t limited to sports but extends to many areas of a son’s life. A son will often go out of his way to please his father, and he is one of the few people that it is acceptable to truly brag to.