What causes Lyme insomnia?

What causes Lyme insomnia?

When the Lyme bacterium, called a spirochete, crosses into the brain, it can cause a host of sleep disturbances, including insomnia and hallucinogenic dreams. My Lyme doctor said it was like the spirochetes had made the needle in my brain get stuck.

What diseases can tick bites cause?

Diseases that can be Transmitted by Ticks

  • Lyme Disease.
  • Anaplasmosis.
  • Babesiosis.
  • Ehrlichiosis.
  • Powassan Virus Disease.
  • Borrelia miyamotoi Disease.
  • Borrelia mayonii Disease.
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)

Is Ehrlichia serious?

In some cases, especially in those who have a weak immune system (such as from HIV or cancer), ehrlichiosis can cause serious complications, such as: Brain problems, like confusion, seizures, or coma. Excess bleeding (hemorrhage) Heart failure.

How soon after a tick bite do symptoms appear?

Symptoms usually start 1 to 4 weeks after the tick bite, with up to 90% of people developing an expanding, circular red skin rash. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Symptoms usually start about 2 to 14 days after the tick bite.

Are there any medications that can cause insomnia?

Medications such as those taken for the common cold and nasal allergies, high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, birth control, asthma, and depression can also cause insomnia. In addition, insomnia may be a symptom of underlying sleep disorders.

What makes a woman more susceptible to insomnia?

Usually in middle age, a woman’s body slowly stops making progesterone and estrogen. The shifting balance of hormones, as well as other changes that typically happen in life at this time, can make you more sensitive to things like stress that affect sleep.

How does insomnia affect your quality of life?

Whatever your reason for sleep loss, insomnia can affect you both mentally and physically. People with insomnia report a lower quality of life compared with people who are sleeping well. Complications of insomnia may include: Lower performance on the job or at school.

What causes a person to have chronic insomnia?

Chronic insomnia is usually a result of stress, life events or habits that disrupt sleep. Treating the underlying cause can resolve the insomnia, but sometimes it can last for years.