What are the 8 choreographic devices in dance?

What are the 8 choreographic devices in dance?

Tools of the choreographer used for the creation of dances such as abstraction, canon, motif, contrast, accumulation, repetition, reversal, retrograde, inversion, fragmentation, and embellishment.

What is a choreographic device and name some examples?

choreographic device: a specific way of manipulating movement to develop dance choreography (for example, repetition, inversion, accumulation). choreographic process: the method (for example, teacher direction, group collaboration, collage, chance) by which choreography is developed.

What are the 4 choreographic forms in dance?

Choreographic Forms Structures that a choreographer uses in the creation of a dance such as AB, ABA, rondo, canon, theme and variation, call and response, and narrative.

Why are choreographic devices useful in dance?

Choreographic devices are the tools we use to manipulate movement in order to enhance, exaggerate and embody actions. They’re a great way to give a class or a group of children ownership over their dance.

Is climax a choreographic device?

A choreographic device to signify a turning point or closing point in the structure/ story of the dance, for example, dances with the structure ‘ABA’ or ‘AB’ the ‘B’ section of these dances would usually contain the climax. A choreographic device where moves/ dancers/ sections/ motifs complement each other.

What are the 5 basic actions in dance?

The 5 actions of dance – jump, turn, travel, gesture and stillness.

What is a choreographic tool?

Choreographic. devices. Tools of the choreographer used for the creation of dances such as canon, motif, contrast, accumulation, repetition, reversal, retrograde, inversion, fragmentation, and embellishment.

How do you identify choreographic form?

NARRATIVE FORM The AB choreographic form is one of the simplest forms. It consists of a beginning phrase/section, A, followed by a second phrase/section, known as B. Although A and B share a common feeling/mood, they contain elements that contrast in tone or quality. Phrase A and Phrase B are connected by a transition.

What are two ways you can manipulate choreography?


  • Repetition- Repeat movement exactly the same.
  • Retrograde- Perform backwards, like a movie running from end to start.
  • Inversion- Perform upside-down.
  • Size- Condense or expand.
  • Tempo- Fast/slow/still.
  • Rhythm- Vary rhythm not tempo.
  • Quality- suspended/sustained etc.

    What are the different types of choreographic devices?

    Simultaneous canon – dancers doing the same motif at the same time but starting from different points A choreographic form in which a dance phrase or section of a dance is followed by subsequent phrases or sections that are variations of the original, usually for the sake of variety.

    What are the types of structures in dance?

    Levels, dynamics, repetition, unison, relationships. What are the Choreographic structures in dance? A choreographic structure is how the movement in a dance is organised to create the piece.E.g. ABA, Rondo, episodic, narrative What are choreographic devices in dance?

    How are choreographic devices used in BTEC dance?

    During One Vision we used a lot of different choreographic devices such as… Repetition is used during the dance by the Morris dancers smacking their sticks together which represent scratching of the animal that the flea is on.

    What do students need to know about choreography?

    communicates their own chosen choreographic intention. The student is not required to perform in their choreographed dance but may do so if they wish. To create their own dance, students must know, understand and be able to apply the following, as appropriate to their choreography: transfer of weight. flowing/abrupt. spatial design.