Is sustainable forestry profitable?

Is sustainable forestry profitable?

Forestry is profitable Investing in sustainable forestry is not just in the interest of the planet, it can also generate a financial return. Those involved in sustainable forestry point to the reliability of forests as an investment; trees continue to grow no matter what the economy is doing.

What is the value of sustainable forestry certification?

A new study has found that independent, third-party certification for environmentally and socially sustainable management of timberlands has led to vital, measurable improvements in the protection of forests, wildlife, and stakeholder rights worldwide as well as to the long-term economic viability of forestry …

What are the economic benefits of sustainable forest management?

At the social level, sustainable forest management contributes to livelihoods, income generation and employment. At the environmental level, it contributes to important services such as carbon sequestration and water, soil and biodiversity conservation.”

What jobs are there in a sustainable forest?

Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management Established in…

What is meant by sustainable forestry?

What is sustainable forestry? “Sustainable” means to maintain, continue, and keep, while “forestry” is the science and art of managing forests. Thus, sustainable forestry is about caring for and managing forests to provide the natural resources, such as wood and clean water, we need now and in the future.

How is forest profitability calculated?

There are three ways that forestry investments are commonly evaluated: net present value (NPV), land expectation value (LEV), and benefit/cost ratio (B/C). NPV is defined as the difference between the present value of all future income and the present value of all costs, at a given discount rate.

Is Sustainable Forestry Initiative legit?

SFI Inc. is a sustainability leader that advances sustainability through forest-focused collaborations. We are an independent, non-profit organization that demonstrates our commitment to forests through our work in standards, conservation, education, and community.

Who funds the Sustainable Forestry Initiative?

Conservation organizations SFI is supported by conservation groups such as the American Bird Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Arbor Day Foundation, American Forests, and the Canadian Parks Council (all of which serve on the SFI Board).

What are the disadvantages of forest management?

Forest management: The why, the how, the what

Pros Cons
Control of seedling spacing Higher establishment costs than natural regeneration
Use of genetically improved seedlings Greater chance for site disturbance and an increase in potential for soil erosion
Less visually appealing

What are the advantages of sustainable forestry?

These projects focus on making a profit while reducing greenhouse gases, strengthening local economies and increasing incomes, or improving ecosystem services like water quality, air quality or soil productivity.

How do I start a career in forestry?

Education. To enter these occupations, forest and conservation workers typically need a high school diploma; forest and conservation technicians, an associate’s degree; and conservation scientists and foresters, at least a bachelor’s degree.

Why is it important to support sustainable forestry?

Why are sustainable forests important? Sustainably-managed forests meet the needs of wildlife while supporting livelihoods and providing many other ecosystem services, such as carbon storage and flood risk mitigation.

How does sustainable forest management work in Malaysia?

Malaysia has been practising Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) since 1901. The overall harvesting of timber in Malaysia is based on each state’s stipulated quota (annual allowable cut), which is approved by the NFC in the past or NLC today, and adopted by the respective states.

Are there any MTCS certified forests in Malaysia?

That means the certification MTCS offers Malaysian forests and timber companies is more than legitimate. Indeed, MTCS-certified wood is recognized by sustainable procurement policies in Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands and New Zealand.

Is the rate of deforestation in Malaysia accelerating?

Malaysia’s rate of deforestation is accelerating faster than anywhere else in the world. As this graph relates, that statistic has been true for most of the last decade. What has been true during the early 2000’s, however, is starting to change.

Why are tropical rainforests so important to Malaysia?

“…our tropical rainforests support so many things. We are very fortunate. They provide for our not only timber production, but also eco-tourism, water supply, controlling climate change. We, in the Forest department of Peninsular Malaysia, are responsible for the management and development of our resources.