How did the townspeople feel about Homer Barron?

How did the townspeople feel about Homer Barron?

After discovering that Miss Emily bought wedding articles, they are not surprised at Homer Barron’s disappearance. The citizens initially believe that Homer Barron left in order to prepare for their upcoming wedding. They also believe that Homer may have left to give Emily a chance to get rid of her cousins.

What does the town think of Emily in A Rose for Emily?

The townspeople respect Miss Emily as a kind of living monument to their glorified but lost pre-Civil War Southern past, but are therefore also highly judgmental and gossipy about her, sometimes hypocritically.

What does Ms Emily do that makes the town believe she has married Homer Barron?

What does Miss emily do that makes the townspeople think she and her boyfriend have gotten married? She had bought him a toilet set with his initials and some clothes. to help get rid of the awful smell coming from Miss Emily’s house.

Why are the townspeople not surprised when Homer Barron and Miss Emily are not seen?

The townspeople are not surprised by Homer’s departure because they assume that Miss Emily’s two haughty, disagreeable cousins—or his own inclination not to marry— drove him away.

Why did Homer Barron not marry Emily?

She purchased the items before Homer made it clear that they would not be married and then bought the rat poison. Emily’s main reasons for killing him were because she was angry that he had turned her down, and that she knew that this was her last, best chance at matrimony.

Why did Homer Barron return to Emily?

Expert Answers Homer represents the often uncomfortable upheaval of the values of traditionalists in the south after the war. He comes to town representing modern change, with machinery and industry. This makes his eventual cruel fate of staying with Emily forever (through death) all the more ironic.

Why did Emily kill Barron?

Emily’s main reasons for killing him were because she was angry that he had turned her down, and that she knew that this was her last, best chance at matrimony. There were no other men in the town in whom she was interested (and vice versa), and no other prospects were likely.

Does Homer Barron love Emily?

In this and other respects, the narrator and Emily are foils. By entering a love affair with Homer Barron, Emily briefly rebelled against southern values and then, by ending her affair with him, at least as far as the townspeople were concerned, she conformed again to those values.

What did the townspeople think of Emily?

How do the townspeople feel about Emily in A Rose for Emily?

The townspeople respect Miss Emily as a kind of living monument to their glorified but lost pre-Civil War Southern past, but are therefore also highly judgmental and gossipy about her, sometimes hypocritically. The town feels that she is “an idol in a niche dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil and perverse”.

What is the relationship like between Homer Barron and Miss Emily?

Expert Answers Certainly, Emily and Homer appear to like each other very much and they spend a lot of time together. Shortly after Homer’s arrival in town, for example, Emily and Homer are seen riding together in his buggy on Sunday afternoons. There are also rumors in the town that Emily and Homer will marry.

Who was Homer Barron in a rose for Emily?

Homer Barron began to date miss Emily. Homer was one of the contractors that was paving the sidewalk What did the townspeople think of miss Emily and her new boyfriend? In part 4, who do some of the ladies go to see about miss Emily’s situation?

What did the townspeople say about poor Emily?

Later we said, “Poor Emily” behind the jalousies as they passed on Sunday afternoon in the glittering buggy, Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth, reins and whip in a yellow glove. Then some of the ladies began to say that it was a disgrace to the town and a bad example to the young people.

Who was Emily’s lover in a rose for Emily?

In William Faulkner’s short story entitled “A Rose For Emily”, Emily Grierson kills her lover Homer Barron after being in love with him for about a year.

What was the relationship between Emily and Homer?

In “A Rose For Emily ,” the exact nature of Emily and Homer’s relationship is not made explicitly clear. Certainly, Emily and Homer appear to like each other very much and they spend a lot of time together.