Does Diana Allers affect other romances?
Your courting of Allers does remain a total secret to any other possible Romances… If you’re in a Romance with Liara, talking to her after the night with Allers will reveal her to be rather annoyed that you appear to be toying with her (she IS the Shadow Broker!), but it won’t jeopardize a relationship with her.
Can I romance Diana and Garrus?
Continue progressing the story, then once you’ve completed Priority: Citadel II, meet with Garrus on the Citadel again and say “Like alcohol?” followed by “Yes, I love you”. This will secure your relationship with Garrus and will prevent you from doing romances with anyone else on the team.
Can you romance the reporter me3?
Diana Allers, the reporter for Alliance News’ Battlespace segment, may find a place in both the Commander’s ship and heart in Mass Effect 3. She is one of the easier characters to complete a romance with and offers some interesting light on how the Commander feels about his interactions throughout the game.
Does Traynor count as romance?
Samantha Traynor Romance Explained You meet Traynor very early on into the game, after completing Priority: Citadel I and returning to the Normandy. She fills the role of Kelly Chambers from Mass Effect 2, but unlike in that game, Traynor is a Serious Romance, and isn’t considered a fling.
Should I keep Diana Allers on the Normandy?
Diana aids the war effort as long as she is on the Normandy. Shepard can, however, ask her to leave the Normandy at any time. If Diana is not allowed aboard the Normandy, she will embed with the SSV Shasta, an Alliance dreadnought.
What is the N7 program?
N7. N7 is a vocational code in the Systems Alliance military. The “N” designates special forces and the “7” refers to the highest level of proficiency. It applies to Alliance personnel who have graduated from the Interplanetary Combatives Training (ICT) program.
How many romances can you have in Mass Effect 3?
five serious Romances
Players beginning with Mass Effect 3 will only be able to Romance characters who are actively serving on the Normandy, with a total of five serious Romances across both Genders. Legacy Romances from Mass Effect 2 bring the total number up to thirteen, however they have been given their own section below.