Can I get a tattoo at 15 in Colorado with parental consent?

Can I get a tattoo at 15 in Colorado with parental consent?

Colorado. Minors need the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to receive a piercing or tattoo.

Can you get a tattoo in Colorado at 16?

18 is the legal age of consent in Colorado and as such is the age you must be to get tattooed without a parent. Although there is no minimum legal age to get tattooed in the state of Colorado, we prefer to tattoo no one under the age of 16 and only with parental consent and identification for both parent and child.

Can I get a tattoo at 16 in Colorado with parental consent?

Tattooing & Piercing Minors According to existing law (Colorado Body Art Act 25-4-2103, Parental Consent for Minors), it is a crime to perform body art on a person under the age of 18 years without written consent of a parent or legal guardian.

How old do you have to be to get a tattoo in BC?

Though artists have discretion, most will require individuals to be 18 years of age or have the consent of their guardians. How Old do you Have to Be to Get a Tattoo in British Columbia? No law within BC dictates any age restrictions on tattooing.

How old do you have to be to get a tattoo in Michigan?

The Shop does not tattoo minors. Not even with parental consent. Sorry. Teens want to know, “How old do you have to be to get a tattoo in Michigan?” The fact is, there is no minimum age to get a tattoo in Michigan, pursuant to Mich. Comp.

How old do you have to be to get a tattoo in Italy?

In Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Romania and Spain you can get a tattoo at 16 but you must have parental consent.

How old do you have to be to get a tattoo in Ireland?

Across in the Republic Of Ireland however, there is no legislative regulation over tattooing so there is no legal minimum age at which one can get a tattoo. That said, tattoo parlours can impose their own age restriction.