What is the harmonica blues scale?

What is the harmonica blues scale?

For the blues scale, the scale degrees are: 2D root, 3D’ minor third (or flat third), 4B fourth, 4D’ flat fifth, 4D fifth, 5D flat seventh (or just seventh), 6B root an octave higher. Play it slowly up and down. It has a bluesier sound than the previous top octave scale.

Are there minor key harmonicas?

The SEYDEL ALL MINOR HARMONICA is the first harmonica that can temporarily be re-tuned from a Major into a Minor key: 3 in 1 – the ALL MINOR HARMONICA is a Richter, a Natural Minor and a Harmonic Minor Harmonica in one instrument! Diatonic Richter harmonicas usually are tuned in Major keys.

What harmonica goes with a minor?

If the tune is in a minor key, choose a key of harmonica that’s in third or fourth position (or maybe fifth position) relative to the key of the tune….What are the notes in the scale?

Number of Sharps or Flats Major Key Minor Key
4 sharps E major C♯ minor
5 sharps B major G♯ minor
6 sharps F♯ major D♯ minor

What key are most blues harmonica songs in?

Blues songs are usually in E, A, G, C or D, with E, A and G the most common. Other keys are used but these are the most common, particularly with guitar players. So, finding the correct key is educated guesswork.

Are harmonicas in major or minor?

While you can buy harmonicas tuned to minor keys, most harmonica players play in minor keys by playing a standard major-key harp and choosing one of its scales that has a minor third degree.

What’s the blues scale for a C harmonica?

If you play a C harmonica in second position you will be playing in G. The G blues scale is: This root b3 4 b5 5 b7 root one octave above. The blues scale. The blue notes are the minor third (b3, Bb), flatted fifth (b5, Db) and the flat minor seventh (b7, F). These are the notes that gice us that special bluesy feeling.

What are the notes in the B minor blues scale?

B minor blues scale contains the notes B, D, E, F, F# and A. It is essentially an B minor pentatonic scale with an added flat 5. Here are 5 CAGED shapes for the B minor blues scale.

What are the blues scales for second position?

If you play a C harmonica in second position you will be playing in G. The G blues scale is: G Bb C Db D F G (octave) This root b3 4 b5 5 b7 root one octave above.

Is the blues scale based on a pentatonic scale?

The blues scale is actually based on this scale. The only difference is that the minor pentatonic scale does not have the flatted fifth (tritonus) which is considered the most dissonate interval.