What does Manacious mean?

What does Manacious mean?

: of a menacing or threatening character.

What does Deracination mean?

Definition of deracinate transitive verb. 1 : uproot. 2 : to remove or separate from a native environment or culture especially : to remove the racial or ethnic characteristics or influences from.

What would you be if someone said you were mendacious?

A mendacious person is one who tells lies habitually and intentionally. People may tell “white lies” if they forgot your birthday or really don’t like your new haircut, but if you catch someone intentionally manipulating you with a falsehood, that person is just plain mendacious.

What is the meaning of Comminatory?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In law, a comminatory is a clause inserted into a law, edict, patent, etc., describing a punishment that is to be imposed on delinquents, which, however, is not in practice executed with the rigor that is conveyed in the description, or not even executed at all.

What does Disputatiousness mean?

1a : inclined to dispute. b : marked by disputation. 2 : provoking debate : controversial.

What does Graphomania mean?

a compulsive urge to write
: a compulsive urge to write.

Which is the best definition of the word mendacious?

Define mendacious. mendacious synonyms, mendacious pronunciation, mendacious translation, English dictionary definition of mendacious. adj. 1. Lying; untruthful: a mendacious child. 2. False; untrue: a mendacious statement. See Synonyms at dishonest. men·da′cious·ly adv. American Heritage®…

What’s the difference between mendacious and untruthful?

mendacious – given to lying; “a mendacious child”. untruthful – not expressing or given to expressing the truth; “the statement given under oath was untruthful”; “an untruthful person”. false – not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality; “gave false testimony under oath”; “false tales of bravery”.

Are there any stories about Columbus that are mendacious?

— Eugene McCarraher, Commonweal, 15 June 2007 A choice item in the collection of mendacious stories that were circulated about Columbus after his death is this. Columbus lost himself on the way to Hispaniola, and only by virtue of letters and pilots sent by Martín Alonso did he manage to find the island and join Pinta.