Why are wide bore tips used?

Why are wide bore tips used?

Wide Bore Tips are designed specifically for working with delicate cell lines, small particulates and viscous fluids. Wide bore pipet tips have bigger orifices, or tip openings that allow for the smooth non-disruptive transfer of viscous liquids.

What are wide bore pipette tips?

Wide bore tips are for working with genomic DNA, fragile cell lines and other viscous materials. With a distal end orifice nearly 70 percent larger than that of standard pipet tips they provide the flexibility you need when handling difficult to pipet samples.

What are Wide bore tips?

Wide orifice tips, also known as wide bore pipette tips, have larger apertures to reduce shear force and provide a larger opening for aspirating and dispensing viscous, particulate or otherwise difficult solutions. Rainin Wide Orifice tips are available in LTS and universal-fit pipettes.

When to use Filter pipette tips?

Sterile Filter Tips: A filter tip is beneficial when the assay is sensitive to cross-contamination or the sample can contaminate the lower part of the pipette. The filter prevents liquid from splashing accidentally inside the pipette and aerosols from penetrating into the pipette tip cone during pipetting.

How long is a wide bore MRI?

Wide bore scanners have a bore diameter of 70 cm. This is 10 cm more than narrow bore (60 cm). Additionally, open bore scanners have roughly 40-45 cm head space, which is almost a foot less room than wide bore scanners. Claustrophobic patients may have less trouble with wide bore MRI.

What are filter pipette tips for?

What is the purpose of a filter tip? Filter tips are used to prevent cross contamination or “carry over” from one sample to another. When samples are aspirated into a pipette tip, a fine mist or “aerosol” is created, which can get into the pipette.

What do you use filter tips for?

Filter tips are generally accepted as the solution for preventing cross-contamination of samples during pipetting tasks in applications such as bacteriological work, PCR and radioimmunoassays.

Will I fit in a wide bore MRI?

Cremman says patients in a traditional MRI scanner, especially larger males, look like “a cork in a wine bottle. It’s a pretty snug fit for someone who is broad-shouldered or husky.” The wide bore scanner offers the ideal antidote to claustrophobic patients, with up to a 40 percent larger opening than closed scanners.

How do you survive a claustrophobic MRI?

Getting Through an MRI When You Have Claustrophobia

  1. 1-Ask questions beforehand. The more educated and informed you are on the specifics of the test, the less likely you are to be surprised by something.
  2. 2-Listen to music.
  3. 3-Cover your eyes.
  4. 4-Breathe and meditate.
  5. 5-Ask for a blanket.
  6. 6-Stretch beforehand.
  7. 7-Take medication.

Are filter tips sterile?

The most commonly used type of pipette tip is non-sterile tips. They are often used in laboratory applications where sterility is not important to the experiment or test being performed.