Can Gouldian finches live with canaries?

Can Gouldian finches live with canaries?

Canaries and Zebra finches can only live together if there’s lots of space. In a cage like this you will be able to house the following finches together: Canaries, Bengalese, Star, Gouldian, Double-Barred and Plum-Headed, Chestnut Munias and Parrot Finches.

What birds are compatible with Gouldian finches?

Typical species that can be housed with Gouldians in a non-breeding colony would be Owl Finches, Society Finches, Parrot Finches, Masked Grassfinches, Longtail Finches, Shafttail Finches, Canaries and various African waxbills…Cordon Bleus, Purple Grenadiers, Orange Cheek Finches, Green Singing Finches, Lavender Finches …

Can finches be caged with canaries?

Canaries are very docile and will pair up nicely with many different bird species, including finches. Some finches are more dominant and may become territorial and aggressive with canaries. As a result, it is best to pair canaries with passive finch species that are similar in size to canaries.

What birds can share a cage with canaries?

Canaries can live well with other species of finches, such as the star finch, and smaller, non-aggressive birds. Never add in larger birds, such as parrots, or aggressive species, such as budgies, to an aviary with canaries.

Can a Canaries and a Finch live together?

Can Canaries and Finches Live Together Canaries and finches are friendly birds and can live together. If you have not enough space to separate these birds, you can put these two species of birds together. However, keeping them together means not in a small cage, but in a wider space or bird set up.

What kind of birds can I keep with my Gouldians?

Typical species that can be housed with Gouldians in a non-breeding colony would be Owl Finches, Society Finches, Parrot Finches, Masked Grassfinches, Longtail Finches, Shafttail Finches, Canaries and various African waxbills…Cordon Bleus, Purple Grenadiers, Orange Cheek Finches, Green Singing Finches, Lavender Finches among others.

Can you keep a zebra finch with a Gouldian?

I would NEVER recommend housing Gouldians with Zebra Finches at any time because there are high activity finches and will stress quiet finch species like Gouldians.

How long do Gouldian finches live in captivity?

Like most finches, Gouldian finches typically prefer not to be handled but can be quite interactive and respond to the site and sound of their owners. On average, these finches live 8 to 12 years in captivity.