What is the plot of A Retrieved Reformation?

What is the plot of A Retrieved Reformation?

Lesson Summary Henry’s ‘A Retrieved Reformation’, Jimmy Valentine proves that even a cold-hearted criminal can change, but in the end, one’s past always catches up with them. Jimmy is released from prison after being caught robbing banks and starts robbing again within the first week.

What is the climax of A Retrieved Reformation?

Climax: Annabel’s niece, Agatha, gets locked into the new safe at the bank. his true identity while Annabel’s family and Ben Price all watch.

What point of view is A Retrieved Reformation?

“A Retrieved Reformation” is written from the perspective of a third-person omniscient narrator who is telling about an event that occurred in the past and who confines himself almost entirely to a single character’s point of view (POV), the point of view of Jimmy Valentine.

What is the main conflict of A Retrieved Reformation?

Jimmy Valentine’s major conflict is that he must be dishonest about his true identity as a criminal in order to enjoy life as an upright and honest citizen.

Is there a plot summary for a Retrieved Reformation?

Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “A Retrieved Reformation” by O. Henry. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics.

Who is the protagonist in a Retrieved Reformation?

A Retrieved Reformation is a short story by O. Henry—a short story containing big emotions. The story begins with the protagonist Jimmy Valentine’s release from prison. Though he was initially sentenced to four years, he only served ten months thanks to his connections to other criminals in high places.

What happens to Jimmy Valentine in a Retrieved Reformation?

In O. Henry’s ‘A Retrieved Reformation’, Jimmy Valentine proves that even a cold-hearted criminal can change, but in the end, one’s past always catches up with them. Jimmy is released from prison after being caught robbing banks and starts robbing again within the first week. But on a job in Elmore, Jimmy’s life is changed.

Who are repeat offenders in a Retrieved Reformation?

If so, does your analysis include repeat offenders, such as criminals? In the short story, ‘A Retrieved Reformation’ by O. Henry, Jimmy Valentine, a young criminal, does a complete 180 leaving the reader in shock, but it’s not long before his past catches up with him. Let’s take a look at a summary of the story and analyze the themes.