Have they no refuge or resource cried Scrooge?

Have they no refuge or resource cried Scrooge?

“Have they no refuge or resource?” cried Scrooge. “Are there no Prisons?” said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. Scrooge looked about him for the Ghost, and saw it not.

What are some significant themes in A Christmas Carol?

The themes of A Christmas Carol include the possibility of redemption, the damaging effects of isolation, and the importance of love and compassion. Each of these themes is displayed through Scrooge’s transformation from a miserly, greedy, and lonely man into an empathetic and kind individual.

What is the significance of charity and giving in A Christmas Carol?

Charity 5: Scrooge remembers the charity and kindness with which Fezziwig approached his neighbors and employees. That generosity was the most cherished aspect of Fezziwig’s personality and it made him a hero with his employees and friends.

What is the significance of isolation in a Christmas carol?

Dickens demonstrates the need for companionship and company: Left to himself as a boy, Scrooge finds companionship in stories – ‘a lonely boy was reading near a feeble fire’ (p. 27) – but as an adult he focuses on making money at the expense of personal relationships.

Why does Dickens spend time Emphasising Scrooge’s isolation?

While in his younger school boy days he did not necessarily isolate himself, later into his young adulthood the reader sees that his isolation is caused by greed. Through these scenes Dickens intends to show the readers how choosing ​greed ​can lead to isolation.

What did Scrooge really mean when he said Are there no prisons?

The rhetorical questions “Are there no prisons?” “And union workhouses?” are used to show where Scrooge believes the poor people belong, suggesting that he believes his status suggests that poverty is not directly relevant to him, and that nothing to do with the poor matters.

The theme of isolation is presented in A Christmas Carol through the character of Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge is isolated from the rest of society by his selfishness and lack of humanity. Dickens wants to convey to his readers the message that we all have obligations to each other.

Why does Scrooge ask about prisons and workhouses?

What did Scrooge mean by have they no refuge or resource?

“Have they no refuge or resource?” (Stave 3) The Second of the Three Spirits We can see that Scrooge has gone through a huge amount of redemption, directly contrasting to his words in Stave 1 to the charity collectors “are there no workhouses?” and “are there no prisons?”. Prisons in Victorian times were for people in debt and could not pay.

Why are ignorance and want in stave 3 of A Christmas Carol?

Explain Ignorance and Want, who appear in stave 3 of A Christmas Carol . Ignorance and Want, who appear in stave 3 of A Christmas Carol, represent the failings of a society that seeks to be progressive but fails to meet the most basic needs of its children.

What did Scrooge do for the poor in A Christmas Carol?

He supported the Poor Law to create workhouses for the poor, as people who were unable to sustain themselves did not have the right to live. In the fevered haunting of the second night, Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present visit the holiday celebration of Bob Cratchit, with its tiny pudding to serve a family of seven.

What is the theme of A Christmas Carol?

The Theme of Regret in ‘A Christmas Carol’. 1) Marley’s unsettling and potentially prophetic display of regret. The ‘chain’ he ‘forged in life’ is composed of the consequences of his fixation on 2) Scrooge himself has many regrets while he visits the past. His biggest regret is likely his …