Why does Odysseus not reveal his identity?

Why does Odysseus not reveal his identity?

Key Questions and Answers Why does Odysseus fail to reveal his identity to Penelope when they are first reunited? Having been away from home for twenty years, Odyssey doesn’t immediately reveal his identity to Penelope because he needs to ensure that he can trust her and that she remains loyal to him.

Why do the people of Ithaca not recognize Odyssey?

Now in Ithaca, Odysseus needs protection. He slept for most of the journey from Phaeacia and is unable to recognize Ithaca when he awakes. Athena has provided a mist to cover the land so that she can privately alter Odysseus’ appearance and help him hide his treasure.

Why does Penelope not recognize Odysseus when he comes home do you think she recognizes him why or why not?

However, Odysseus does not reveal himself to his wife, Penelope. She recognizes the beggar as her long lost husband and chooses not to unveil his true identity. Penelope does this because she realized that her husband would be in danger, in his current surroundings, if she was to reveal who he really was.

Why does Odysseus fail to reveal his identity to Penelope?

The Odyssey Why does Odysseus fail to reveal his identity to Penelope when they are first reunited? Having been away from home for twenty years, Odyssey doesn’t immediately reveal his identity to Penelope because he needs to ensure that he can trust her and that she remains loyal to him.

What did Antinous do to Odysseus in the Odyssey?

Antinous treats Odysseus with cruelty and scorn. He threatens him, teases him, and throws a stool at him. Odysseus is overcome with tears of joy in seeing his son, but Telemachus is afraid because he thinks he is a god or the gods are trying to trick him.

Why was Odysseus disguised as a beggar in the Odyssey?

Odysseus is disguised as a beggar by the goddess Athena, who helps him plot his revenge against the suitors who are courting his wife. The information he collects allows him to formulate a plan for revenge.

Why did Athena turn Odysseus into an old man?

Athena is also in on his plan and clearly approves of it, because further in Book XVI, we learn that: Athena therefore came up to Odysseus, turned him into an old man with a stroke of her wand, and clad him in his old clothes again, for fear that the swineherd might recognize him and not keep the secret, but go and tell Penelope.