Why does Frankenstein agree to make the creature a mate?

Why does Frankenstein agree to make the creature a mate?

Frankenstein decides that he has a moral duty to destroy the female companion he is making for the Monster. He concludes that it would be selfish for him to create a companion for the Monster in order to save his own life.

What does Victor Frankenstein do to the mate he was creating for the monster?

Victor destroys the mate he was creating right after seeing the creature’s face in the window in Frankenstein because he has had time to reflect on the terrifying possibilities of her life. She might refuse to quit civilized society, as the creature has promised they would.

Why does the monster want a mate?

Since both Frankenstein and the monster are denied of companionship, their sole purpose in life becomes plotting revenge against each other. The monster desperately longs for a companion because his life is miserable without the acceptance of humankind.

Why does Victor first agree to create a mate for the creature and then destroy it?

Victor tells us that the reason he must destroy the female monster is because he does not want the “future ages” to “curse [him] as their pest” (174). He doesn’t want his own “selfishness” of creating a companion for his first mistake to end up disturbing the peace of future generations.

Is Frankenstein a narcissist?

Victor is such a narcissist, in fact, that it never occurs to him that the creature might take revenge for Victor’s refusal to manufacture a companion for him by killing Victor’s own intended wife and life companion. He assumes that he himself will be the focus of any such revenge.

What does Victor’s father encouraged him to do?

what does Victor’s father encourage him to do. stop perusing science and settle down with elizabeth. he feels trapped, like he needs to deal with the creature before anything else.

What does Victor’s father say to him?

Victor tells his father that all of their deaths and pain are his fault. His father thinks he is still delirious from his depression. What does Elizabeth believe is the cause of Victor’s unhappiness? He says he will reveal his terrible secret to his depression after they are married.

What is ironic about the creature’s revenge?

What is ironic, or unexpected about the creatures revenge on Frankenstein? The monster killed her. Frankenstein didn’t build the creature a partner so the monster didn’t let Frankenstein have a wife. They both devote themselves to revenge and the destruction on the other.

Is Frankenstein’s monster a male?

The monster attempts to fit into human society but is shunned, which leads him to seek revenge against Frankenstein….

Frankenstein’s monster
Species Simulacrum human
Gender Male
Family Victor Frankenstein (creator) Bride of Frankenstein (companion/predecessor; in different adaptions)

How did Frankenstein and Clerval spend the next several months?

How did Frankenstein and Clerval spend the next several months? Frankenstein introduced Clerval to the professors. They studied and went for walks. Frankenstein’s youngest brother, William, had been murdered.

How is Victor a narcissist?

What does the monster realize when he is able to understand those around him?

What does the monster do to help Felix and Agatha? What does the monster realize when he is able to understand those around him? that he is disfigured and alone. How is Felix related to Safie?

What happens when Victor tries to attack the creature?

What happens when Victor tries to attack the creature? When Victor springs at the creature, the creature easily eludes him. Victor is not only curious, but he is also moved by a strange compassion for the creature, and he feels a sense of duty because he is the monster’s creator.

What does Victor’s father want him to do why?

What does Victor’s father propose happen in order to cheer Victor up? Victor’s father proposes that Victor would possibly cheer up if he marries Elizabeth immediately. Victor doesn’t feel he can marry Elizabeth until his nightmare with his monster is over.

What is the weakness of Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein’s weaknesses include: 1. his over-vaulting ambition. In creating his monster and his hideous birth he hurt those around him and isolated him from the ones he loved.

What powers does Frankenstein have?

Powers and abilities Frankenstein is undead, composed of assorted body parts taken from dozens of different sources. Frankenstein has superhuman strength, does not need to eat or sleep, and is functionally immortal. He has mental access to the S.H.A.D.E.

Why did dr.frankenstein create his monster?

Why did Dr. Frankenstein create his monster? The short answer to your question might be this: although Victor Frankenstein claimed to be creating his monster for the betterment of humankind, it’s more likely that he did so out of arrogance, or out of a desire to become like God.

Why did Victor destroy the mate in Frankenstein?

Then, in Chapter III of the next book, after he is almost finished creating the mate, he destroys it because he sees the monster looking at him, and he sees on his face “the utmost extent of malice and treachery.” He cannot create another, no matter what the consequences.

What was the plot of the movie Frankenstein?

The plot suggests potential resolution when Victor reluctantly agrees to fashion a mate for the monster in exchange for the two of them going somewhere remote. However, the conflict is reignited when Victor is too disgusted to carry out this plan and destroys the female monster before completing it.

How does the tension increase in the book Frankenstein?

The tension increases when Victor learns of the death of his brother William and the false accusation against Justine. The murder creates another situation in which Victor can choose to act, or fail to take responsibility. He heightens the conflict by allowing Justine to be executed, rather than disclosing what he knows about the monster.