Why is it important for Scrooge to visit the miners the lighthouse keepers and the sailors?

Why is it important for Scrooge to visit the miners the lighthouse keepers and the sailors?

The purpose of taking Scrooge to the solitary lighthouse and ship is to illustrate the powerful nature of the Christmas spirit and demonstrate the uplifting, hopeful essence of the holiday, which fills the hearts of the most desperate people with joy and satisfaction.

What does Scrooge see when he visits the lighthouse?

When Scrooge magically travels to the lighthouse then to the ship, he is in the company of the second ghost, The Ghost of Christmas Present. The objective of the Ghost’s choice of destinations is to show Scrooge scenes that are generally agreed to be some of the most desolate, lonely, dangerous, and despairing.

What did Dickens want to show about 19th century society in A Christmas Carol?

Dickens was particularly concerned with the health, treatment and well-being of children, always among the most vulnerable members of any society. Ragged schools were charity institutions created to provide at least a rudimentary education for destitute children.

What is Dickens purpose?

To Dickens, our purpose determines who we are. At the place we enter his life, Scrooge’s purpose is clearly about money. He pursues a life either working for it or being alone with it. He cares for money more than for people and believes that money is the end by which any means are justified.

What message does Marley’s Ghost have for Scrooge?

Marley’s Ghost tells Scrooge of the terrible situation it is in. Its punishment for being too concerned with making money when it was alive is to ‘wander through the world – oh, woe is me! – and witness what [I] cannot share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness!’

What does Scrooge see when he visits the family eating dinner at the table?

Scrooge and Present see the Cratchit family and the scene in their house. It is revealed to Scrooge that Cratchit has a wife, two children, and more to come. Present says that Tiny Tim will die if the future does not change.

How does the first woman feel about Scrooge?

How does the First Woman, Old Joe’s talkative customer , feel about Scrooge? She pities him for having died alone and friendless. She thinks that he was a mean and terrible person. She admires him for his wealth.

What were Dickens intentions in A Christmas Carol?

Dickens’ beloved novella A Christmas Carol was written in 1843, with the intention of drawing readers’ attention to the plight of England’s poor. (Social criticism, a recurring theme in Dickens’ work, resounds most strongly in his novel Hard Times.)

Dickens was not alone in his desire to better mid-nineteenth century England. Dickens was particularly concerned with the health, treatment and well-being of children, always among the most vulnerable members of any society.

Why did Scrooge go to the lighthouse and the ship?

The spirit takes Scrooge to the lighthouse and the ship so that he can see people in rough situations who still have the Christmas spirit. The words used to describe these places (dismal, chafed, dashed, wild, solitary, black and heaving sea) are a sharp contrast to the spirit of the men they observe.

What was the life of a lighthouse Watcher like?

The life of lighthouse watchers is certainly lonely and isolated, and they see vast dangers when the seas roar and roil all around them while crashing ships and lives at their very feet.

What’s the difference between the lighthouse and the ship?

Speaking specifically of the lighthouse and the ship, I’d suggest that the key theme here is that both are scenes of isolation. In the lighthouse, we only have two people sitting together, and with the ship, we are fully cut off from civilization.