When and where is the play Christmas Carol set in?

When and where is the play Christmas Carol set in?

The story was published in 1843, and takes place in the early 1800’s (1800-1850). Dickens is careful not to give a specific year that the story is set during the story. This adds to its timelessness. The closest he gets is the comment that the Ghost of Christmas Present makes when Scrooge asks about his family.

What is the setting of the play A Christmas Carol?

The setting of A Christmas Carol is dark and dismal London in theVictorian era. This is a London of shadows and darkness – a London of two sides – where povetry and wealth live side by side but not in harmony.

This story takes place in London, England. The time is winter and it starts the day before Christmas, also known as Christmas Eve.

Where does the book A Christmas Carol take place?

A Christmas Carol is set in a poor section of London, England, during the Industrial Revolution (1800s). The book takes place mainly in Scrooge’s business, Scrooge’s house, and Bob Cratchit’s house. Student Answers. A Christmas Carol is set in a poor section of London, England, during the Industrial Revolution (1800s).

What is the setting in stave 1 of A Christmas Carol?

What is the setting in Stave 1 of A Christmas Carol? Summary. On a frigid, foggy Christmas Eve in London, a shrewd, mean-spirited cheapskate named Ebenezer Scrooge works meticulously in his counting-house. Inside the office, Scrooge watches over his clerk, a poor diminutive man named Bob Cratchit. Click to see full answer.

Where does Scrooge live in A Christmas Carol?

Dickens then shows Scrooge’s house, where he lives as cheaply as possible.There is a lot of flashback and flashforward to scenes of other Christmases in Scrooge’s life, as the ghosts take him to different times. We see happier scenes from Scrooge’s past in school and in Fezziwig’s company, and in the present in Cratchit’s home.

Who is the actor in A Christmas Carol?

Window card for original. Broadway production, 1991. A Christmas Carol is a one-man stage performance by English actor Patrick Stewart of the Charles Dickens novel of the same title, which has been performed in the United Kingdom and the United States on occasion since 1988.