What is the weather like when Scrooge arrives home?

What is the weather like when Scrooge arrives home?

According to Dickens’s description, Scrooge is cold through and through. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him.

What is the atmosphere in A Christmas Carol?

The atmosphere is cold and grey. This is seen both in the weather and inside Scrooge’s heart. External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him.

What happens to Scrooge at home?

Back at home, Scrooge has strange visions of the door knocker and tiles bearing the face of his old business partner, Jacob Marley. He refuses to believe his eyes, but then Marley’s ghost appears and frightens Scrooge by rattling his chains. He tells Scrooge he will be haunted by three spirits.

What is the weather like in the evening we meet Scrooge?

No warmth could warm, not wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. Foul weather didn’t know where to have him.

How does Dickens present an atmosphere of celebration?

One way that Dickens presents a sense of joy and celebration is through the use of exclamation points.

How is Scrooge portrayed in A Christmas Carol?

Pathetic fallacy makes the extract highly effective in contributing to the coldness of Scrooge’s personality , ‘the cold became intense’ adds an atmosphere of frosty bitterness which is exactly how Scrooge is portrayed.

Who is the first Ghost in A Christmas Carol?

The first ghost that is sent by Marley is the ghost of Christmas past. The ghost takes Scrooge back in time to where Scrooge was born and raised. At the sight of the village, Scrooge softens and is excited for a moment before returning to his old personality.

Why was the atmosphere dark in A Christmas Carol?

Electric lights were rare so the darkness in the streets was enhanced by the fog and the ‘flaring links’ that provided light to people. This could refer to the need for light in Scrooge’s life. His was dark with selfishness.

How did the ghosts make Scrooge a better person?

They showed him what others were like in good spirits, and what would happen in the future if he didn’t change. Scrooge realized how he could change and “he was better than his word”. The ghosts made Scrooge a better person. Scrooge’s Change in ‘a Christmas Carol’. (2016, Dec 02).