What is the theme of the poem I thank You God for most this amazing?

What is the theme of the poem I thank You God for most this amazing?

Question: What is the theme of the poem? Answer: The speaker is thanking God for all that is positive in creation.

Who is the writer of the poem I thank you God ‘?

The poem reveals that cummings not only believes in God, but finds faith in the deity through the beauty of the incarnate world, which cummings joyously celebrates in these verses. In other words, cummings believes in God because he can experience the world with his five senses and find it good.

Which is natural infinite yes?

which is natural which is infinite which is yes. (i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth.

What does the speaker thank God for answer?

The central idea of the poem is to be grateful for what we have instead of complaining about what we do not possess. We have all been blessed in our own way and we should always thank God for it.

Is the Colour of special occasions says Bernard dadie?

Dadie claims for the second time that “White is a colour for an occasion” (line 32) but “black is the colour for all days” (line 33). The biblical Christ had the last laugh after he carried in his body the sins of Dadie’s World. In this victory, our black man Dadie is thankful to God for his blackness.

What does the poet thank gods for?

In the poem “Invictus,” William Ernest Henly thanks the gods “for [his] unconquerable soul.” He continues to say that despite his pain and circumstances, his head is “bloody,” but “unbowed”.

Why does the poet thank God in this poem?

Ans. The poet thank God in this poem because God gives us everything we want.

What does the metaphor liquid sun mean?

Oxymoron: can be seen in the phrase “liquid sun” in the final stanza. It suggests the sun is fluid like water.

What does the voice of a kindly God mean?

The metaphor ‘the voice of a kindly god’ is used to summarize the sound of a single drip of water. This shows that the people are appreciative of the water provided, hearing it as a god speaking. Water for these people has a strong spiritual importance as it is vital to life and yet so scarce.

Is a poet of the poem telephone communication?

“Telephone Conversation” is a 1963 poem by the Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka that satires racism. The poem describes a phone call between a landlady and the speaker, who is black, about renting an apartment.