What is the number for PHEAA?

What is the number for PHEAA?

Contact us immediately at 1-800-233-0751 to find out what repayment options are available and to avoid additional consequences. HOW DO I CONTACT PHEAA?

Is PHEAA the same as FedLoan servicing?

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) conducts its student loan servicing operations as FedLoan Servicing for federally-owned loans and as American Education Services ( AES ) for non-federal assets.

What is my Pheaa account number?

Where to Find Your Account Number

  1. On your billing statement.
  2. On correspondence about your account.
  3. In the top right corner of your online account once logged in.

Can you appeal Pheaa?

If a requester wishes to pursue the rights and remedies afforded under the Act, however, then the request must be in writing. A requester may submit a written request in person, by mail, by fax, or by email.

Is Pheaa legit?

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) is warning students and their families to be wary of financial aid scams that could expose them to significant financial loss and identity theft. The PA State Grant Program is funded by the Commonwealth and administered by PHEAA.

Is FedLoan part of PHEAA?

FedLoan to transfer millions of student loans to four other servicers, exit the business in Dec. 2022. The servicer, part of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), now expects to cease servicing federal student loans by December 2022, PHEAA spokesman Keith New said Thursday.

Is PHEAA part of AES?

PHEAA and AES PHEAA conducts its student loan servicing operations commercially as AES . AES created Account Access to provide a way for borrowers to manage their loans online. With Account Access from AES , PHEAA can offer you top-notch service and convenience at no added cost.