What is checkpoints in TestComplete?

What is checkpoints in TestComplete?

TestComplete allows creating checkpoints to compare various types of data: images, object properties, XML documents, PDF files, arbitrary files, web services, and so on. You can create checkpoints during the test recording as well as at design time.

What is AQ in TestComplete?

Description. The aqObject object provides unified methods for operating objects’ members at run time. The object is available in TestComplete by default. Note that it is possible to skip the object’s name ( aqObject ) when calling its members in scripts.

How do you test an image in TestComplete?

After you get the image, you can verify it in several ways:

  1. Save the image to the Regions collection and create a Region checkpoint.
  2. Perform a comparison using the Picture. Compare method.

How do I test text in TestComplete?

To do this, you can use OCR checkpoints:

  1. Get a screen area that contains the text you want to verify. It can be any of the following:
  2. Specify a pattern against which TestComplete will verify the text.
  3. Depending on the verification results, TestComplete will post either the Passed or the Failed message to the test log.

How do you add checkpoints in TestComplete?

To create a manual checkpoint:

  1. To create a checkpoint during script recording, on the Recording toolbar, click the Script Ext menu, and then click Manual Checkpoint:
  2. The Create Manual Checkpoint dialog will appear:
  3. In the dialog:

What is name mapping in TestComplete?

The NameMapping object provides a program interface to the objects specified via their custom names that were assigned to them in the current TestComplete project. The NameMapping object is only available if your project contains the Name Mapping project item.

What method is used to check whether a test is equal to a specific value?

AreEqual(Object, Object, String) Tests whether the specified objects are equal and throws an exception if the two objects are not equal. Different numeric types are treated as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.

What is image based approach?

Another approach is the image-based approach, which renders the 3D object directly using a large set of pre-acquired images without reconstructing geometric models. Here, a major challenge for augmented panoramas is how to integrate two sources of 2D images, the panoramas and the object movies, in a 3D-consistent way.

What is a text image?

What are images of text? An image of text refers to when readable text is presented inside an image, including text that has been presented in a fixed image form in order to achieve a certain visual style.

How do you merge a name map in TestComplete?

How to merge

  1. In TestComplete, open the project to whose Name Mapping repository you want to add external Name Mapping data.
  2. In the Project Explorer panel, right-click the Name Mapping project item and then click Merge with.
  3. Browse for the external Name Mapping file (. tcNM) whose data you want to import and click Open.

How do you add an object to a TestComplete?

  1. Click Add Object on the Tools toolbar or on the toolbar of the Name Mapping editor.
  2. Use the target glyph or the “point and fix” mode to select an object on screen or in the Mobile Screen window (for mobile applications).

Is assert equal?

AreEqual(Object, Object, String) Tests whether the specified objects are equal and throws an exception if the two objects are not equal. Different numeric types are treated as unequal even if the logical values are equal.

What can you do with a checkpoint in TestComplete?

With TestComplete, you can do this using comparison commands called checkpoints. TestComplete allows creating checkpoints to compare various types of data: images, object properties, XML documents, PDF files, arbitrary files, web services, and so on. You can create checkpoints during the test recording as well as at design time.

Why do I need to use TestComplete for image comparison?

TestComplete allows you to verify that these objects are displayed correctly in your tested application and provides region checkpoints for you to perform these kind of checks as part of your automated test. (For those who are not familiar with these checkpoints, here’s a quick Image Checkpoints video to get started).

What kind of data is stored in TestComplete?

TestComplete also includes the Stores project item to store baseline data that will be used in the comparison. This project item can hold images, objects, files, tables and other elements. You can add these elements to Stores from the Project Explorer, the Object Browser, and tests.

What does TestComplete do when property types are different?

If test properties have different value types, TestComplete will try to convert the object property value to the type of the expected value and then perform verification.