What does no comment mean in text?

What does no comment mean in text?

No comment indicates that the speaker does not choose to say anything on the subject, and it is automatically invalidated if the speaker then comments or answers questions. It is not a request for the material to be considered off the record or otherwise kept confidential.

Is it rude to say no comment?

Saying no comments means a lot of negativity about the person who says so. It is as good as or as bad as saying I don’t agree with you bluntly. Instead of making the person who is communicating with you stay confused, you can always say I beg to differ or “I don’t think I agree with that” politely.

How do you respond to no comment?

This is a nice way of saying that the official replied, No comment. A better response: “I’ll check on that and will get back to you.” Then, always do. In addition, this is a good response to use when you are blindsided. “I’ll get back to you,” provides time to craft a reply.

Is no comment a comment?

No comment is, in fact, a strong comment. By employing no comment, a person or company implies guilt, complicity or prior knowledge of the situation, and it alludes to an attempt to hide that knowledge.

What can I say instead of No comment?

How To Say No Comment Without Saying No Comment

  • “I don’t have anything to say about that.”
  • “I can not comment on these matters because they are under seal.”
  • “I … have nothing to add to my former answer.”

    Is no comment good or bad?

    There is no magic to the phrase no comment. It is simply a device for a suspect to indicate that they have no intention of answering police questions. An alternative would be to stay mute for the duration of the interview, but that would only prolong matters! …

    What can you say instead of No comment?

    Can I say no comment?

    ‘You do not have to say anything if you do not wish to do so, but anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law. Today, courts can use silence (or no comment answers) as an inference of guilt. This means that saying nothing, in some cases, can do more harm than good.

    Why is no comment a bad idea?

    It conveys the wrong perception with journalists and the public alike. It’s also a journalism code for lack of transparency. That’s because “no comment” implies guilt and wrongdoing, whether true or false. “No comment” is the last thing any journalist wants to hear, especially from a corporate spokesperson.

    Should you have no comment?

    Short of cursing and admitting guilt or failing to show remorse, it is very likely the worst thing you can say. By saying “no comment,” you often imply guilt or culpability. Try to avoid phrases that sound like, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,” from the “Wizard of Oz.”

    What does the phrase’no comment’mean in journalism?

    No comment. No comment is a phrase used as a response to journalistic inquiries which the respondent does not wish to answer.

    What is the legal definition of a comment?

    Legal Definition of comment 1 often capitalized a : an essay analyzing, criticizing, or explaining a subject a comment published in the Yale Law Review b : an explanatory remark appended to a section of text (as of enacted code)

    What do you mean by ” do not comment “?

    Their comments are really aimed at religious people. These airlines were not available for comment. It said many operations were no longer viable but made no comment about redundancies. Last night there was no comment from his family as he finally hit rock bottom. We do not comment on specific situations. There will always be comments and banter.

    Which is the best definition of the word commented?

    1. a remark, observation, or criticism: a comment about the weather. 2. gossip; talk: His absence gave rise to comment. 3. a criticism or interpretation, often by implication or suggestion: The play is a comment on modern society. 4. a critical or explanatory annotation to a text or to a passage in a text. 5.