What did Walter lose in a raisin in the sun?

What did Walter lose in a raisin in the sun?

Walter loses the insurance money to Willy, a crook that he mistakes for a friend. Mama entrusts Walter with all the money that remains after the down payment on the new house.

How does Walter Lee lose the money?

Indeed, he does end up losing the money when the liquor store plan winds up being a scam. Willy Harris, one of his supposed business partners, takes it. One of the people most hurt by the loss of the money is Beneatha, Walter’s sister. She aspires to become a doctor.

What happened to Big Walter in a raisin in the sun?

Big Walter’s death provides the family with an insurance payment of $10,000, part of which serves as the down payment on the Youngers’ new home. Although he was “hard-headed, mean, [and] kind of wild with women,” Big Walter “sure loved his children” and practically “kill[ed] himself” working to provide for his family.

Why is Walter in danger of losing his job raisin in the sun?

Walter Lee feels depressed because he thinks that his family does not support his dreams. His boss tells the Younger family that Walter Lee has three days to get his act together, or else he will lose his job.

What is Walter supposed to do with the money Mama gives him?

She gives him the remaining $6,500 of the insurance money, telling him to deposit $3,000 for Beneatha’s education and to keep the last $3,500. With this money, Mama says, Walter should become—and should act like he has become—the head of the family.

What obstacles does Walter face in a raisin in the sun?

Walter and Beneatha both struggle to overcome poverty and racial prejudice in order to achieve their goals in A Raisin in the Sun. They are also faced with the challenge of pursuing their dreams without a solid support system and lack a practical plan to attain their goals.

Does Walter lose his job in a raisin in the sun?

Walter may have been freed from his lousy job, but he’s still enslaved to a materialistic pipe dream. In A Raisin in the Sun, Walter Lee’s boss calls the Younger home because Walter failed to show up at work nor did he call to say that he would not be coming in to work.

Why is Mama waiting on a $10000 check?

Walter Jr. wishes to use the life insurance check to invest in his liquor business, while Beneatha wishes to use the money to pay her college tuition. This is why Mama is so protective of the money, and not willing to give it to Walter to open a liquor store with Bobo.

How old is Walter Younger?

Brief Description: Walter Younger is a 35 year old African-American man who serves as a husband, father, brother and son.

What was Walter doing instead of going to work?

Where had Walter been going instead of to work? He had been driving and walking and watching people.

What happens to Walter and Willy in Raisin in the Sun?

Dreaming of owning his own business, Walter gives Willy Harris his father’s insurance money. When Willy leaves town with the money, Walter becomes even angrier. He feels that he is a failure. This leads to more drinking and bitter arguing. To replace the money he lost, Walter plans to sell the new house Mama has bought.

What happens at the end of Raisin in the Sun?

Dreaming of owning his own business, Walter gives Willy Harris his father’s insurance money. When Willy leaves town with the money, Walter becomes even angrier. He feels that he is a failure. This leads to more drinking and bitter arguing.

Who are the characters in A Raisin in the Sun?

Characters Walter Younger As Mama’s only son, Ruth’s defiant husband, Travis’s caring father, and Beneatha’s belligerent brother, Walter serves as both protagonist and antagonist of the play. The plot revolves around him and the actions that he takes, and his character evolves the most during the course of the play.

What happens to George and his family in Raisin in the Sun?

George and his family, however, believe that they should become wealthy and perhaps achieve respect through their economic status, which demands a certain degree of assimilation into the dominant, white culture. Though George’s wealth and bearing impress Mama at first, she eventually shares Beneatha’s point of view.